• Strega Galaxy
    CULTURA,  Varie.

    Strega School recensioni miriade di modi per imparare

    Autore: Rose Ariadne Tra le miriadi di modi in cui le persone possono imparare la stregoneria ci sono i libri, covens and local as well as online witch schools. For those who would prefer to achieve the mastery of witchcraft without putting up a lot of money, books may be the best medium of study. There are several books that may be bought online and comes cheap especially if they are used. One can also visit the local used book stores and occult stores in search for good, informative and inexpensive witchcraft treasures. The next step would be to find out if there are covens in your area. Siti online come…

  • ART,  Varie.

    Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2 – TIME

    The makers of the famously disturbing surreal video” Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” have come out with a new video, “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2- TIME” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.


    Cominciando come modella

    Beginning As A Fashion Model Author: modella Indipendentemente dal fatto che ci sono milioni di persone che cercano lavori di modellazione ogni anno, ci sono innumerevoli persone, maschile così come femminile, giovane e vecchio, che vogliono testare le acque della professione glamour di modellazione. Potrebbe essere alta moda; potrebbe essere sessione costume da bagno; e, forse è stampa commerciale. Tuttavia, il fatto è che non tutte le agenzie di modellazione di moda stanno cercando gli stessi aspetti e caratteristiche. Diverse agenzie di modelle utilizzano modelli di diverse dimensioni per sottolineare un aspetto diverso per le loro campagne pubblicitarie. Che cosa tutto questo significa? Perché, pensi, ci sono…


    Photography As A Career In Fashion

    Autore: fashion model Fat pay cheques, an opportunity to rub shoulders with glamorous models and hobnobbing with some of the rich and famous might be the dream of many a young shutterbug. Ma, it can turn out to be hard to get to the golden staircases of the big wig fashion houses and designer magazines. For every one talented or compelling photographer, hundreds or thousands are left waiting at the pavement, only to dream about that splendid moment when their photograph will be picked out and chosen for the project. For the novice photographer and who has just commenced a career in fashion picture photography, alcuni suggerimenti possono rivelarsi…

  • ART

    A Janitor Secretly Worked On This For 7 Years. No One Knew Til Now… And It’s Baffling Everyone.

    Over 30 anni fa, a man spent 7 years hand-drawing the most complex, unbelievable and probably unsolvable maze I’ve ever seen. His daughter recently posted the following photos on Twitter and, needless to say, the entire Internet is exploding with questions about her dad. So who is the man behind it? A professor? A mathematician? A wizard? Non, non, and no. The correct answer is… the university janitor. The maze is 34 x 23.3-inches. Twitter user Kya7y’s dad, who was a janitor at a university in Japan, spent more than 7 anni di lavoro su questo… Fino a questo punto, è rimasto completamente anonimo e non vuole alcun riconoscimento pubblico per il suo…


    St.. Vincents nuovo album omonimo

    Newly silver haired indie pop artist St. Vincent is set to release her fourth studio album on the set date of February 25, 2014. Her most recent album “Strange Mercy” was released back in 2011. We are all excited to hear what this album will turn out to be. We have been provided with some teasers, on December 9th the artist released the audio for the albums first single titled, “Birth in Reverse”. Anche, the second single, “Digital Witness” was released on January 6th. St.. Vincent – Nascita In Reverse (OFFICIAL AUDIO) St.. Vincent – Digital Witness (OFFICIAL AUDIO)