• Matt Fotografía Wilky
    ART,  Misc.

    Portraitures por Matt Wilkey

    Mathew Wilkey is a young photographer from Atlanta Georgia. These are some portraits he’s done that have caught our attention with it’s youthfulness and simplicity. To see more of his work click the link below. See more of his work at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/matt_wilkey10/

  • lavado de cara
    CULTURA,  Misc.

    6 Weird Dispositivos de belleza japoneses

    To be fair let’s admit all cultures have a few odd ways of achieving beauty. Here are six weird Japanese beauty devices, do they work? I’m not completely sold. Are they out of the norm? Sí, absolutely. 1. Non-Surgical Nose Job: precio 83 $ Referencias: tendencias japonesas y gizmodiva 2. Referencias de marcos de ensanchamiento de ojos: japantrendshop y 7gadgets 3. Referencias de estiramientos faciales personales: fantasía y japantrendshop 4. Referencias más firmes faciales con labios atrevidos: japantrendshop y chipchick 5. Referencias de espejo de belleza panorámica: japantrendshop y geekalerts 6. Referencias más firmes contra la papada: japantrendshop y bookofjoe Artículos relacionados Bueno, Aren’t These The ‘Cat’s Pajamas?’ Anti-Aging Face Compressors – La mascarilla facial doble Kogao ayuda…

  • la manera del circo
    CULTURA,  MODA,  Misc.

    Creepy Circo Couture

    En lugar de anuncio de American Horror Story que la próxima temporada se establecerá en el circo de los años 50 que encontramos algunos de nuestros / editoriales de moda hermoso circo favoritos / espeluznantes. Artículos relacionados Ryan Murphy elige a los Washington Redskins para 'American Horror Story: Freak Show’ 12 Películas Evil Carnaval que golpearon “American Horror Story” American Horror Historia Circo Temporada 4 'American Horror Story’ Temporada 4 fundido pesa sobre 'Freak Show’ tema


    Xiu Xiu – El melón amargo [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

    The most wholesome Xiu Xiu video yet! Cerca, depends on what you find wholesome. This video contained two lesbian lovers heavily petting each other and kissing til they get wet, very wet. I don’t find this music video pornographic, I can see it being intentionally crude and personal. Like a personal kink we hide but admire. Check the new video out below, NSFW maybe? From the album, Angel Guts: Red Classroom, available here: Polyvinyl (CD, LP, Cassette, Digital) – http://bit.ly/1acp9KM iTunes – http://bit.ly/1akNqUC Amazon MP3 – http://amzn.to/1e8xEuK Spotify – http://bit.ly/LwR4yO Rdio – http://rd.io/x/QVdhUSJjgrU/


    Vintage adolescente rebelde Editorial

    Referencias: Trendstop y 125magazine ‘American Idol’ en 125 Revista, an editorial photographed by Jason Etherington, embodies the classic 50’s teen rebel. Artículos relacionados Page Turners: California soñando con la fotógrafa adolescente Micaela Hoo The Motel Editorial Eclipse: Sunday Undone

  • Peaches Geldof

    Muere a los 25 Peaches Geldof

    Writer, modelo, blogger and television presenter Peaches Geldof has died at the young age of 25, according to the BBC. Police say they were called to an address near Wrotham, Kent following a report of concern for the welfare of a woman on Monday afternoon. The woman, aged 25, was later pronounced dead by South East Coast Ambulance Service. “At this stage, the death is being treated as unexplained and sudden,” said a statement from Kent Police.   Artículos relacionados Peaches Geldof nombra a su hijo Phaedra Esta imagen de Peaches Geldof en su teléfono mientras su bebé rueda por la acera. Puedes hacerlo Fig Newtons Peach Cobbler Recipe


    Bondi Hipsters take on Oversexed GQ Photoshoot

    Bondi Hipsters explain: “We saw Miranda’s shoot earlier this week,"La pareja escribió en Facebook. “Thought we might turn the industry on it’s head… It’s a little different when it’s a mahn, isn’t it?... Lo siento por eso ". Los Bondi Hipsters se describen a sí mismos como "ecoconscientes, party animal Hipsters from Bondi who are desperate to get their fashion brand off the ground”: Adrian is a rich boy from the Eastern Suburbs, who has been raised in private schools and spoon fed his whole life. His best friend Dom is a well-travelled young lad from the suburbs of Melbourne who has to work three jobs just to cover his rent. Juntos…

  • Misc.

    Jon Hamm Lost a Citas Mostrar. 1996

    En la celebración de los hombres más Mad poner en Netflix permite echar un vistazo atrás en el siempre tan encantador Jon Hamm en un programa de citas en 1996. No, no 1966. Sólo para demostrar guapo no tiene edad. Lo habríamos elegido 🙂