Social Network Body Art

    The importance of social media and its ease of connection and popularity has taken over the thoughts and concerns of anyone living. In dieser Serie des taiwanesischen Künstlers John Yuyi putzt er Social-Networking-Visuals in Tattoo-Form über die Models, from Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and more. Siehe die Serie unter:  

  • ART

    ROUNDS by Beeple

    Fantasy Scifi landscapes with large sculptural structures in a series called Rounds by illustrator/designer Beeple. From anthropomorphic towers to chrome floating locations. See some selected works below:

  • ART

    Hate Mail for you Haters

    Move over fanmail and love letters, there is a new project that assists you with sending mean postcards to your enemies and frienemies. Unhöfliche Bilder werden vom Etsy-Shop Hate Mail gesendet . They include poop, middle fingers and more. See some options available below:

  • ART

    Cycle by Kouhei Nakama (Video Short)

    A beautifully poetic computer animation titled “Cycle” by Tokyo based artist and designer Kouhei Nakama. The short follows dancing figures from birth to death playing with shapes and substances. “Life is a cycle. We are dying from birth, reborn till death.”