Artist Hye Jin Chung depcits portraits of women grasping their collection full of their intrestests, hobbies and passions. See the Collectors series below:
Paintings by Genieve Figgis
Acrylic impressionist paintings by artist Genieve Figgis Exploring sexuality, social interactions, social status and fashion. See some selected works below: Lady With a Mask, 2016 Las Meninas After Velázquez, 2016 Proposal, 2016 Drinking in Bed, 2016 Room, 2016 Pierre Séguier After Charles Le Brun, 2016. Acrylic on canvas.
Roses by Brooke DiDonato
“Roses” is a series by Brooklyn based designer and photographer Brooke DiDonato where wax roses begin to drip and shape onto the body. Siehe die Serie unter:
Graham, the Only Human Body that can Survive a Car Crash.
Graham may look very different, but unlike the rest of us he is fully equipped to survive a car crash. Die australische Kommission für Verkehrsunfälle präsentierte ein Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Künstlerin Patricia Piccinini, um den ersten Mann zu erschaffen, der sich genetisch so entwickelt hat, dass er schweren körperlichen Traumata standhält. Siehe die Serie unter:
Paintings by Nicola Samorí
Artist Nicola Samorí creates mixed media paintings using oil paints. The portraits have surreal dark twists with intricate detailing. See some selected works below:
Horror Bitmap Art by Mattis Dovier
Störende und grausame Schwarz-Weiß-Bitmap-Gifs des Künstlers Mattis Dovier, die mit Stil gefüllte Instanzen inszenieren. See some selected works below:
Illustratons by Bape.Ril
Artist Bape.Ril creates bold digital portraits of powerful and attitude filled characters that embrance sexuality, power with a splash of violence. See the selected works below:
Masked Women by Rune Christensen
Femininity and anonymity go hand in hand in these works by artist Rune Christensen. The subjects painted have intricately tattooed skin and are found in powerful poses. Siehe die Serie unter:
Abandoned Trains in Bolivia by Chris Staring
Der australische Fotograf Chris Staring fängt trostlose Stillstandszüge ein, die in einer bolivianischen Wüste aufgegeben wurden, und stellt einen Steampunk-Zement her. Sehen Sie seine anderen Arbeiten auf Instagram. Siehe die Serie unter:
Illustrations by Alexandra Dvornikova
Dark and whimsical nature based portrait illustrations by artist/designer Alexandra Dvornikova including snakes, wolves and mushrooms. See selected works below:
Paintings by Dorota Sroka
Arist Dorota Sroka creates haunting paintings depicting the spirit and mystery of nature. See some selected works below: