Horribly Awesome Version of “All I Want For Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey

    It’s that time of the year, and no one is more happy than the self-proclaimed queen of Christmas herself Mariah Carey. Her holiday track “All I Want For Christmas is You” has become a well-known classic, and is curretnly stuck in my head as i write this. Here’s a new spin on it, L'utente di tumblr formeldeharv ha inserito la popolare traccia attraverso un convertitore MIDI e il risultato è stato questo orribile (but still catchy) version of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas is You”   Controlla:


    Highest Paid Musicians of 2015

    The music industry is competitive and not the most reliable when it comes to money. But when you are succesful the big coins start to roll in. Some heavy hitting crowd favorites you would have thought to have made the list didn’t, like Beyoncé, signore, Rihanna and Britney Spears. Maybe next year ladies. 1. Katy Perry – $135 milione 2. One Direction – $130 milione 3. Garth Brooks – $90 milione 4. Taylor Swift – $80 milione 5. The Eagles – $73.5 milione 6. Calvin Harris – $66 milione 7. Justin Timberlake – $63.5 milione 8. Diddy – $60 milione 9. Fleetwood Mac – $59.5 milione 10. Lady Gaga –…


    Apple Releases their First Smart Battery Case

    There are many phone cases that can charge your Iphone with the cost of slight bulkiness and coins. Iphone however has now created their own Smart Battery Case extending the usage of their phones between charges. The design has the apple logo and a slight but minor extension in the back. It honestly looks alright, and the perks are worth it. The benefits include up to 25 hours of talk time, 18 hours of internet usage, and over 20 hours of video playback. They come in both black and white options for both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S. They retail for around 99$ each.

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Koi Shaped Sushi

    You almost don’t want to eat them. Il Nishikizushi Sushi Shop è un ristorante giapponese dove troverai adorabili sushi a forma di koi. Created with regular sushi ingredients that is stratigically wrapped in thin slices of squid.

  • Art Basel lancinante

    Woman Actually Stabbed and Onlookers Mistook it for Performance Art

    One of the largest art events Art Basel hosted each year in Miami brings together large crowds of people to art based events. Secondo quanto riportato dal Miami Herald, un titolare del biglietto di nome Siyuan Zhao ha aggredito un altro partecipante con un coltello X-Acto tagliandole sia il braccio che il collo mentre gridava “dovevo guardarla sanguinare!La vittima Shin Seo Young, 33 anni, fortunatamente non è stata gravemente ferita, ma c'era sangue e un evidente stato di shock quando le persone si sono rese conto che non era un pezzo di performance. “A guy walked up to me and said, ‘I thought I saw a performance, and I thought it was fake blood, but it was real blood,’” claimed artist Naomi Fisher, chi stava esponendo…


    The Top 20 Instagrammed Locations of 2015

    Midnight in #Paris A photo posted by Sezgin YILMAZ (@sezyilmaz) on Dec 5, 2015 a 2:48pm PST Se le tue idee per le vacanze si basano sull'instramming, sarà utile conoscere le località e i luoghi più georeferenziati di 2015. 1. Disneyland — Anaheim, California 2. Times Square — New York, New York 3. Central Park — New York, New York 4. The Eiffel Tower — Paris, Francia 5. Walt Disney World — Bay Lake, Florida 6. Musée du Louvre — Paris, Francia 7. Dodgers Stadium — Los Angeles, California 8. Santa Monica Pier — Santa Monica, California 9. Madison Square Garden — New York, New York 10. Red Square — Moscow,…


    Il 2016 Pirelli Calendar by Annie Leibovitz

    Il Calendario Pirelli è noto per il loro uso di calendari sexy nude ha preso una svolta per loro 2016 calendar, dove invece sono caratterizzati da donne influenti di oggi. Leggendario fotografo americano Annie Leibovitz aveva il compito di catturare le immagini in bianco e nero. Essi comprendono Yoko Ono, Patti Smith, Serena Williams, Fran Lebowitz, Amy Schumer, Agnes Gund, Kathleen Kennedy, Shirin Neshat, Yao Chen, Tavi Gevinson and more. Il Calendario Pirelli 2016 è disponibile sul sito Pirelli.


    Victoria Beckham Loves Kim Kardashians Costume as Posh Spice

    Kim Kardashian posted a throwback talent show picture up on her social media of her and a group of friends dressed up as the Spice Girls. Specifically Kim was styled in a little black dress as Posh Spice with a smirk to match. The caption stating: “I’m so Thankful that me & my friends were the Spice Girls for our high school talent show! The Spice Girls got me through a lot! #ForeverThankful” Victoria was thrilled by the picture and responded with a simple “Genius x VB”