Pointless? Maybe. Is a rabbit a type of rodent? It’s like we treat them better than hamsters, but they sure aren’t dogs. So in our minds they can’t be rodents. Rabbits are actually something that is called lagomorphs. the lagomorphs species is closely related to rodents, but also horses! Wait Wuhhhh? Why do some people say “Osh Kosh b’ Gosh”? It’s something I feel older women would say to something cute. It’s basically a cutesy way to say “OH MY GOSH!”. Also it’s a city in Wisconsin. Wait Wuhhh? What are the little handles for corn on the cob called? I call them “little corn handle things” ma in realtà sono spiedini di mais. Aspetti…
Watch the Trailer for Robin Williams Last Film titled Boulevard
The last movie and dramatic role for the late actor Robin Williams who we lost to suicide. It seems this movie will tug at the heartstrings for many reasons. The story follows a man Nolan Mack (Williams) who has wasted around 26 years of his life and is at a depressing stand still. He then encounters a young man and an infatuation begins. The release is due for 10 Luglio, 2015
Justin Bieber Says He is Not Ready to Design Fashion
Justin Bieber known for his music celebrity, has the media wrapped around his finger. With so much attention and media hype around anything he does you would assume a next step would be fashion design, WRONG (thank god). There has been a lot of success in musicians transitioning into the fashion/design world, for example Gwen Stefani’s LAMB, Kanye West with Adidas, Victoria Beckham and her self titled brand and many more. We agree with Justin Bieber’s answer that he is not ready. In un'intervista con WWD, he stated: “I haven’t lost that passion. It’s just such a big deal. . . . Voglio solo assicurarmi che sia perfetto…
Spells Banned on Etsy
Sorry spell casting witches, you are no longer able to sell your spells on Etsy. Something that was commonly sold in the witch community under a few rules and guidelines, like selling something along with it like downloadable materials, and of course strong disclaimers if those unsatisfied customers surface. But now in the most recent updated policies some adjustments were made banned some things, like spells. Any service that does not yield a new, tangible, physical item is not allowed (for example: tailoring, restoring or repairing an item, photographic retouching or color correction). Maybe they can work their way around it? Will magic be used to counter act this policy? Only…
Winona Ryder Snatches The Lead In Upcoming Supernatural Netflix Series
Winona è stata selezionata per recitare in una serie attualmente senza titolo presentata da Netflix. Said to be surrounding by supernatural essence spanning 8 episodes. Directed by Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer the series is said to be an ode to 80’s mystery. The storyline follows mother Joyce (Winona) in 1980’s Montauk, Long Island where her son disappears. While looking into locating her son she comes across personal abilities she was unaware of having. Netflix has presented a large handful of critically acclaimed series. We hope this is one of them since we oder the 80’s and Winona!
Idiot Box Series by Donna Stevens
Una serie della fotografa australiana Donna Stevens ha una collezione di bambini piccoli un ipnotico vitreo (dopey) state as they are photographed in front of the television. See the Idiot Box series below:
“2 Kinds of People” Illustration Series
We are usually split two groups, il blog 2kindsofpeople mostra illustrazioni semplicistiche fianco a fianco di entrambi i lati di ogni gruppo. From how you split your sandwich or organize your phone apps. Which category do you identify with? Articoli correlati Anniversario di carta! Il diario degli sviluppatori di Guitar Hero Live ti mostra come sono stati creati gli elementi live-action Facebook Autoposter Leader dell'ISIS confermato ucciso dagli Stati Uniti. forces
Game of Thrones Actors Then and Now
See what Game of Thrones actors still retain their childhood looks and who has completely made a 180. See this side by side gallery of these popular characters when they were just regular kids.
Premiering Caitlyn Jenner (Formerly Bruce Jenner) as the Vanity Fair Cover Story
The Vanity Fair rumors were true! The unveiling of the cover featured the personal unveiling newly glamorous Caitlyn Jenner (Bruce), photographed by Annie Leibovitz. A beautifully old hollywood fashion photoshoot embracing her new curves and glamorous aesthetic. “If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life’,” says Jenner, in the emotional piece.” -Caitlyn Jenner
The Rise of The Old and Unphotoshopped Model
Wrinkles? Disgusting. Cellulite? Barf worthy. Fat? UNFORGIVABLE. This kind of body hate/discrimination is known as a normality in the fashion world. It’s better to be dead than fat and old. Il “live fast die young” motto is ever-present and accepted. Something that is ALSO a huge part of the fashion industry is going against the common grain and defying beauties norms. Is this something that is done for publicity? Or more something that needs to be addressed for the overall well-being of self-image. Photoshoots with top photographers and supermodels have been popping up in magazines and social media, with proud unaltered images! (GASP!) In particolare Kate Moss e Cindy Crawford nella foto…
Police Sketches VS. Actual Mugshots
Not much thought is given in the accuracy of police sketches due to the fact once the criminal is caught everything simply moves forward. So here we take a look back at both mediums and see some pretty amazing comparisons between the two. [via]