It’s hard to follow up last years Bon Qui Qui video for Alexander Wang but I surprisingly found this hilarious the more I watched it. Unfortunately I’m unfamiliar with the Mango character from SNL played by Chris Kattan, but by watching the video I assume he needs no back story. The storyline is one of a faded aging star (Mango) who decided to dive back into the lime light and give showbiz one more chance. He meets some interesting people on a set of a new gig and the story unfolds. Realizing he was actually hired to be a backup dancer for rapper and choreographer Sharaya J. “Il 2014 T…
Bianco Tatuaggi
Tatuaggi inchiostro bianco deboli e fantasma-come sono diventati più popolari di recente. Alcuni tendono a guardare come bruciature intricati o cicatrici scolpite sul corpo. E 'una moda passeggera, come i tatuaggi tribali sul bicipite o francobolli farfalla tramp? Solo il tempo dirà. Controlliamo di nuovo in questo in 10 anni. fonte:
Mens Estate Acconciature
The Buzzed Swoop Back: One of the more versatile hairstyles. You can either slick the top back or push over. Throw in some product in it or go natural. Dress it up with a side part, o no. Your choice, and it’s easy to maintain, you just need to trim the top when it gets too long, Self buzzing the sides is easy, letting you cool down for summer and saving those bucks. The Classic Short Wave: A timeless hairstyle you can basically see in every decade. Low chance of being accused of being a pretentious hipster (like hairstyle above) Ha la sensazione di vecchia Hollywood standard che può…
Jeff Bark – Picchio (Presente Giorno Romanticismo)
“Woodpecker stretches the definition of romanticism to reference both the emotive paintings of centuries past, and the modern struggle with post-industrial malaise. Situated in a teenage wasteland that hovers between nature and urban decay, Bark’s listless figures partake in skinny-dipping, huffing, e fumare marijuana. " Dichiarazione dell'artista: “I’ve always been very sensitive to light, even in my house… It’s all about how the light makes you feel. In my studio the light is very sexy, calming – it’s warm from all the tungsten lights, and very comforting. In the brightness you can’t see around you, so you feel alone, except for me yelling at you saying ‘Move your finger!'Più che provare…
Artista originale? Suck My Ass.
Di recente ho letto qualcosa (yes linea) che ogni persona che incontriamo in un sogno in realtà è un volto familiare che abbiamo costruito di visualizzare altri tratti del viso in real life.So ogni volto noi
Intervista: Garret Taylor per Graveravens
Modello, Actor, Musician Garret Taylor has his foot rightfully wedged into many doors. With his stable head and hard work ethic it is hard to not notice this talent. A discovered model with an already impressive body of work along with upcoming endeavors in music and acting. We can not wait to see what else Garret will handsomely conquer. -age? 21 -height? 6' -Posizione? Los Angeles - segno? Libbra Q: Who do you look up to and idolize in the industry? La: In the modeling industry, Alzo lo sguardo a David Gandy. He is very professional and approachable. Voglio che le persone si sentano in questo modo quando guardano alla mia carriera…
Mac DeMarco – Passando Out Pezzi (Official Video)
Full of low res video tape murders and pulling salad out of his butt. The song from Salad Days has a fun camp feel we are all familar with when finding a camera. The video was directed by a fellow band-mate. Check out the shenanigans, and great music. The discription on the video states: “Demarco’s at it again, except this time he’s seen to much! Out for revenge with seemingly no good reason, no one is safe with this cretin roaming the street. There’s blood on his hands and he’s washing them clean, with more blood! All his paranoid fantasies have been realized in this disturbed and barbaric world. “I…
Famous Landmarks Mid-Construction
These landmarks are such a part of their regional culture we almost forget they had to be built. We view them like a natural mountain or a requirement of a skyline. It’s interesting seeing these iconic landmarks mid creation. Humanizing the towering objects we’ve become so accustomed to.
Chiara Goia – Scultori Village '
Serie dei fotografi Chiara Goia titolo “Villaggio di Scultore” ha dimostrato il lavoro e la maestria di un mongolo villaggio dedicato nella produzione di massa e la replica statue popolari. Se non fosse per le persone che si potrebbe supporre questi dove fotografato in bianco e nero. Chiara Goia – Scultori Village '
1920’s Selfie
What was then a limited (yet cheeky) innovation is now a current pop culture attitude. Love it
Glitches David Szauder in memoria
Serie glitching ritratto dell'artista tedesco David Szauder mostra un esempio di ricordi distorti, moments and acquaintances we have come across. Combining very human vintage photography with the modern choppy glitches we encounter with current day ruined media. fonte: