It’s been 3 years since the massive earthquake in northern Japan which in tandem caused the tsunami that wiped out vast areas of land including a portion of Fukushima’s power plants, ultimately causing a global nuclear crisis of which we are still facing today. In the first video of our three part special, VICE heads to Fukushima to meet our friend Naoto Matsumura (da “Alone in the Zone” to install a Safecast monitor to help raise awareness of radiation levels in the area. In the second video, VICE follows up with anti-nuclear energy artist “Anti_nuke” che spiega in dettaglio che deve nascondere il suo volto e il nome a causa di…
Abiti di carta
What a fun way to play dress up. This mother/blogger creates beautiful paper dresses inspared by red carpet looks, famous princess, runway shows and pop stars. The sky is the limit. Its amazing what you can create with paper. This little model is probably having the time of her life, Puoi vedere altre foto qui Articoli correlati Abiti da Oscar 2014: Best dressed stars on the red carpet – gallery Dopo gli Oscar… Who wore it Best? Who didn’t? Momenti che passano/Decisioni su come spedire graziosi braccialetti con ciondoli per posta ad alt oa qualcuno
Come impostare uno studio fotografico semplice
How to Set Up a Simple Photography Studio Author: Rayhan Abu Here and there, we recently need better light. Less a bigger sum, yet something more pleasant, compact, something customizable, and something that will only fill in the right places. As we improve at shooting, we begin to perceive where basic light is lost. Anyhow we don’t dependably require the sort of Hollywood set that Tom Cruise is much the same as. You can accomplish some astounding light, utilizing probably the most effortlessly open devices that won’t take you enormous dollars and in a few cases won’t require you anything. Firstly however, dobbiamo capire che prendersi cura di…
Cose casuali da sapere per No Reason
Signore cerca [NSFW]
"Le donne vere leggere i messaggi reali dalla famosa collegamento gay apps Grindr, SCRUFF, and GROWLr "Articoli correlati I messaggi delle app di incontri reali letti dalle donne ti renderanno felice di essere single (NSFW) Rapist Jailed After Hookup App Crime Spree Targeting “Bears” 5 Modi per avere un cuore che atterra un uomo Lady Gaga: Fully Nude in ‘Abramovic Method’ NSFW Video! Disney Villains On Grindr [NSFW]
Morrissey Fornisce una Lettera arrabbiato circa la famiglia reale
The main topic concerning the royal family and their hunting, He writes: “One day prior to giving a public plea on behalf of animal welfare (!), Prince William is to be found in Spain (with Prince Harry) shooting and killing as many deer and boar as they possibly can! Although William’s speech (no doubt written by his publicity aides at Clarence House) will concentrate on endangered species, William is too thick wit to realize that animals such as tigers and rhino are only driven to near extinction because people who are precisely like himself and his brother have shot them off the map – tutto in nome dello sport…
Sbloccare le porte con i vostri occhi
The futuristic product Eyelock, (that I just barely found out about) has officially programmed their product to open doors and access rooms. By simple looking into the Eyelock in analyzes your iris and confirms you have authority to enter or access certain information. The prodcut began with a simple usb camera that lets you save your passwords with Eyelock. With a usb connection you can connect any account with the Eyelock system creating higher sense of security. Unless someone lifts your eyes open while sleeping. I love when technology slowly mimics what was predicted years back. It’s like living in a sci-fi movie except our cars aren’t floating, yet. Che Cosa…
Life of a Fashion Icon
Autore: La modella Coco Chanel è una delle stiliste più apprezzate e importanti di tutte le epoche. In short, L'influenza di Chanel sulla moderna haute couture è stata così importante che è stata menzionata nelle "100 persone più influenti del XX secolo" di Time Magazine.’ Even though Coco Chanel is criticized for being dubious about her childhood days and the years before shooting to stardom, molte persone come lei e alcune persone sostengono le sue opinioni. Questi seguaci che citano Coco Chanel stava solo tentando di ridurre la povertà e la disgrazia illegittimità conferito a persone che nel 19 ° secolo in Francia. Due anni dopo il suo pennello con la reclusione, l'impero nazista era…
La donna taglia la gamba di indossare scarpe tacco alto
Aside from the silly feel to this video this story is a very enticing when it comes to the topic of society and it’s various views on body modification. Molti vedono piercings, tatuaggi, manometri ecc. come qualcosa di non necessario, dannosa e alla fine complessivo stupido. Ma ci sono anche molte persone che li hanno quindi c'è un gruppo di sostegno più grande per ripiegare su quando disapprovazione è costantemente in agguato. Questa giovane donna purtroppo è dipinto come un patetico vanità guidato bimbo. Tutti i commenti su questo video non sono le più belle: “Questo è un esempio di una bionda stupida” “cagna essere cray” “EWWW!” Penso che dobbiamo…
Ikenaga Yasunari - L'arte giapponese di Nihonga Redefined
“Using the simplicity of Indian ink and linen canvas Ikenaga Yasunari has captured a simple serenity in the the faces of his female portraits.This calm sensuality is highlighted by the richness of their surroundings. Yasunari’s Japanese heritage has inspired a style of painting which is characteristic in his work. This ancient technique of Nihonga is a traditional Japanese art form using a Menso brush and ink. With this Yasunari has successfully captured an essence of the past with a pallet of muted tones , but has injecting a modern twist to each piece with his use of pattern and cloth.” fonte:
Philip Seymour Hoffman Found Dead
The well-known box office actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been reportedly found dead in his Manhattan apartment earlier this morning. News sources such as the Wall Street Journal claim the actor had been to rehab for a severe and ongoing addiction to heroin. It’s not certain if his death and addiction play into each other. It’s been tweeted by WSJ Breaking News: “Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in Manhattan apartment.” 12:20 PM – 2 Feb 2014 The news has been unfortunately confirmed as true, leggi Maggiori dettagli sulla storia dalla fonte fotografica WSJ: