Meghan Collison by photographer Patrik Sehlstedt

    Reptiles included. Modellini Meghan Collison in un servizio fotografico di moda in bianco e nero con lo sfondo palude e, occasionalmente, è affiancato da un alligatore bambino o una ol grasso serpente a la Britney Spears. Catturato dal fotografo Patrik Sehlstedt per Intermission Magazine Primavera Estate 2015 Rivista: Intermission Magazine Primavera Estate 2015 Modello: Fotografo di Meghan Collison: Patrik Sehlstedt Fashion Editor: Vanessa Chow Capelli: Trucco Sasha Nesterchuk: Sir John

  • FASHION,  Tendenze

    perSUEDE! A Trend to Stay

    Something that’s been trending on the runways and the whole fashion scene in general would be the use of a classic that has recently made a comeback. SUEDE! It will always have a vintage 70’s feel with a more effortless cool feeling to contrast with anything else in your wardrobe. What I like about this trend is that it’s something so tangible to everyone. I’ve found some amazing suede pieces by simply thrifting. So keep your eyes peeled. Suede is a classic and I feel as if it’s here to stay, something like denim. Here are some dope suede options:

  • High Fashion Turnt by photographers Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin

    High Fashion Turnt by photographers Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin

    A fashion party editorial with top models Liya Kebede, Cameron Russell, Edie Campbell, Karlie Kloss and Anna Ewers dressed in the latest runway clothing. Photographed by Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin for the May 2015 issue of Vogue Paris. Rivista: Vogue Paris May 2015 Modello: Liya Kebede, Cameron Russell, Edie Campbell, Karlie Kloss, Anna Ewers, Rianne ten Haken, Mica Arganaraz Photographer: Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin Fashion Editor: Emmanuelle Alt Hair: Christiaan

  • Abbey Lee Kershaw by photographer Will Davidson

    Abbey Lee Kershaw by photographer Will Davidson

    Teetering between menswear and glamour in a black and white editorial featuring model Abbey Lee Kershaw in an abandoned industrial setting. Photographed by Will Davidson for the May 2015 issue of Vogue Australia. Rivista: Vogue Australia May 2015 Modello: Abbey Lee Kershaw Fotografo: Will Davidson Fashion Editor: Christine Centenera


    Matching Models by Patrick Demarchelier

    Models paired up with other models sharing the same likeness. Almost like a sibling portraits but with a high fashion twist. Photographed for Vogue US May 2015 by Patrick Demarchelier. Rivista: Vogue US May 2015 Modello: Amanda Murphy, James Bay, Imaan Hammam, Naleye Junior, Fei Fei Sun, Dae Na, Poco Arganaraz, Miles McMillan, Vanessa Axente, Baptiste Radufe, Julia Hafstrom, Matt Hitt, Caroline Trentini, Christopher Owens, Ondria Hardin, Bill Skarsgard, Maartje Verhoef, Fotografo Lucky Blue Smith: Patrick Demarchelier Fashion Editor: Trucco Tonne Goodman: Yadim Articoli correlati Bellezze lentigginose: 7 Modelle con le lentiggini Andreja Pejic è la prima modella transgender di Vogue Models che finge di fare sport per Vogue of the Day Fei Fei Sun…

  • Fei Fei Sun by Steven Meisel

    Fei Fei Sun by Steven Meisel

    An eastern inspired fashion photshoot with attention to detail and volume. The gorgeous Fei Fei Sun models intricate gowns with equally as intricate backgrounds framing her. Photographed by Acclaimed photographer Steven Meisel. Rivista: Vogue US May 2015 Modello: Fei Fei Sun Photographer: Steven Meisel Fashion Editor: Grace Coddington Capelli: Trucco Guido Palau: Pat McGrath

  • Lindsey Wixson by photographer Richard Burbridge

    Lindsey Wixson by photographer Richard Burbridge

    Simply sharp beauty portraits with the always charming model/muse Lindsey Wixson. A face made for makeup and overall versatility. The portrait fashion shots captured by Richard Burbridge for M Le Monde April 2015. Rivista: M Le Monde April 2015 Modello: Lindsey Wixson Photographer: Richard Burbridge Fashion Editor: Capelli di Charlotte Collet: Trucco Damien Boissinot: Peter Philips Articoli correlati Laura Stevens fotografa i sentimenti delle donne dopo la rottura Lindsey Wixson del fotografo Hong Jang Hyun Vladimir Putin si batte per la sopravvivenza politica – provocando disordini in Ucraina Childlike Stars