• KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    What actually happens when gay guys see other gay guys and straight people aren’t around

    Described as a rare event that’s undocumented. Did you ever think about what gay guys really do when no straight people are around? Hier erfahren Sie das schockierende Ritual, das von youtuber bjalvo dokumentiert wurde. Sehen Sie sich das Video unten: “This rare, never before seen video documents the secret interactions of gay men that only take place when there are no straight people present.” Verwandte Artikel Eine seltsame, strange, trauriges Argument gegen Homo-Ehe Del. Bob Marshall: Opponents Of ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill, der gegen heterosexuelle Menschen diskriminiert Der verrückte Schwuchteljude-Autor Larry Kramer behauptet, dass mehrere weiße amerikanische historische Figuren homosexuelle Lesben waren. Lesben sind führend, wenn es um die Gentrifizierung der Nachbarschaft geht, Forschung…

  • LDR neue Spur
    KULTUR,  Sonstiges.,  MUSIK

    Lana Del Rey’s New Track in The Age Of Adaline Trailer

    Lana Del Rey known for her cinematic inspired songs is doing pretty well in having her tunes in the latest movies. This time around for the anticipated film The Age Of Adaline out 4/24/2015 with the track titled “Life Is Beautiful”. “It’s an honor to be a part of this magical movie: ‘The Age of Adaline‘” -Lana Del Rey’s Facebook Related articles Hear Lana Del Rey’s New Song ‘Life Is Beautiful’ in Trailer for Blake Lively Movie ‘Age of Adaline’ Lana Del Rey previews new song ‘Life Is Beautiful’ from The Age of Adaline Lana Del ReyNicole Nodland Photoshoot Brian Wilson: No Pier Pressure review – the chord

  • FASHION,  Sonstiges.

    Northwood Rings

    Something natural and unique. A high quality jewelry that consists of many different choices of fine wood. Northwood Rings are replacing stereotypical rings with something notable, different, but still very personal. The selection available is large and you can count on amazing durable craftsmanship making the 100% Care For Life Guarantee they provide possible. What stands out about Northwood Rings would have to be their attention to taste and quality. On their website they explain the benefits of their items are and how they’re uniquely crafted and tailored. Here are some of our favorite rings available, it gives you a better idea of how vast their selection is. Keep in

  • KULTUR,  Sonstiges.


    Beards are the new mans pants. A must have. In its peak of popularity it’s useful to have some tips to deal with everyday challenges you encounter while basically growing a manly sponge on your face. In this video Action Bronson gives helpful advice on eating etiquette. From noodles to cotton candy. Verwandte Artikel Die Geschichte von Michael Franzese Nutzen Sie mit dieser App die neue Messenger-Site von Facebook auf dem Desktop Ihres Mac. Bob Schieffer zieht sich diesen Sommer von CBS News zurück Florenz + the Machine Release New Single, ‘Ship to Wreck’: Hören Sie sich die Twitter-Debatte über Medienexperten an, wenn Online-Dating schief geht

  • Vintage Lipstick Flash Drives
    KULTUR,  FASHION,  Sonstiges.

    Vintage Lipstick Flash Drives

      A mixture of old glamour and present day technology. A selection of vintage lipstick casings are redesigned to accommodate your memory/data storage needs while still retaining your aesthetic quirkyness.   Entworfen und verkauft vom Etsy-Shop PointsAndPlaces mit vielen verschiedenen Optionen, wobei die Preise ebenfalls variieren. Sehen Sie hier, welche Optionen sie haben.

  • madonna Küsse Erpel
    KULTUR,  Sonstiges.,  MUSIK

    Madonna Grossed Drake Out at Coachella

    Remember when Madonna kissed Britney Spears and it was pretty hot? Yeah this is not that. At this years Coachella music festival popular rap artist Drake paired up with Madonna onstage for a performance. During one of her songs the pop icon decided to Spiderman sloppy kiss Drake while he sits in a chair. In what we assume she thought would have been a sexy shocker to add to her gasp list. Well it made the gasp list, but not in the way she intended. The only gasping was poor Drake being forced into an unwanted kiss. Like a gay man trying to kiss a woman you can only fake

  • 300 neuer Emojis
    KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    300 New Iphone Emojis!

    If you haven’t been prompted to go update your iOS to 8.3 go ahead and do it now! Updates usually include bug fixes or apps we don’t want but can delete. Luckily the most recent one has given us 300 new emojis including the racially diverse emojis that have been a hot topic and also featuring same sex families. To access them you simply have to hold down the key for the pop up options. Of course more human-less emojis are included, so go check them out and have an emojigasm. To update go to Settings>General>Software Update then done!