Morbid or awesome, I can’t decide. A new interesting product has hit the ever bloated pregnancy market, an actual 3-d tangible print of yours, or whomsoever’s unborn baby. Sì, this is true. La società 3DBabies fornisce il servizio per circa 600 dollars for a mini pre birthed being. Do you set it on the nightstand? Do you think this could replace the nostalgia ultra sound ? Is This how people way back in the day felt when ultrasounds came out? A weird sense of taboo surrounding something like a little baby life. Imagine giving this as a gift to someone. Un feto in una scatola ... Ma non vado…
Indie Musician Lykke Li’s Acting Debut
Popular indie pop musician Lykke Li has a new title to her list, an actress! Nel prossimo thriller poliziesco ad alta azione intitolato Tommy. It’s usually very strange seeing musicians transition to the silver screen. I have to say the genre is a refreshing choice, since you would think she would be in a long indie film with no words and close ups of water dripping. You don’t see to much of her in the trailer below but you get a great feel of the movie. It’s in theaters March 14th. What are your thoughts? Would you go and watch this movie?
How To Get A Job In Fashion Industry
Autore: Robart Alex The fashion industry increases in popularity day by day, so there are lot of competitions and opportunities nowadays. It is really simple to have a degree in marketing, fashion design or fashion marketing. As this competitive industry keep on growing, there is a lot of demand for specialized and educated faculties in fashion. People who got a suitable academic degree in fashion will soon discover that they’re more in demand in this industry. Many academic degrees in fashion provide the courses in which you are interested in. Fashion marketing, fashion design and fashion merchandising are the three leading opportunities in fashion. Oggi molte persone sognano di diventare…
Lena Dunham in Vogue, Il problema con l'emissione.
Lena Dunham è stato incoronato “LA NUOVA REGINA DI comdey” da Vogue nel numero di febbraio prossimo. Naturalmente, con doppiaggio Lena quel titolo sarebbe venuto un coperchio, e su quella copertina c'è la sua foto, e in quella foto viene qualche polemica. Si potrebbe pensare che le persone sarebbero entusiasti di avere qualcuno apparentemente lungimiranti e creativo comparendo sulle copertine di Vogue. Per quanto riguarda le celebrità vanno, mettiamo Lena Dunham su un piedistallo riconoscibile e livellato (Insieme con Miss hungergames). Il motivo della polemica circonda il fatto di Photoshop, e le questioni con proiezione di immagini false su altre persone. Alcuni spettatori sono rimasti scioccati dal fatto che qualcuno così…
Track Back: Lissy Trullie – Self-Taught Learner, 2008
Strega School recensioni miriade di modi per imparare
Autore: Rose Ariadne Tra le miriadi di modi in cui le persone possono imparare la stregoneria ci sono i libri, covens and local as well as online witch schools. For those who would prefer to achieve the mastery of witchcraft without putting up a lot of money, books may be the best medium of study. There are several books that may be bought online and comes cheap especially if they are used. One can also visit the local used book stores and occult stores in search for good, informative and inexpensive witchcraft treasures. The next step would be to find out if there are covens in your area. Siti online come…
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2 – TIME
The makers of the famously disturbing surreal video” Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” have come out with a new video, “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2- TIME” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.
Independent Music Isn’t Dead. It’s the Only Thing Left.
Independent Music Isn’t Dead. It’s the Only Thing Left. If you haven’t been reading the trades for the last couple of years, you might be saddened to know that the music industry–at least, the music industry as it has been molded over the last 40 years–is crumbling. The cause of death is a pretty simple one: You and I and everyone we know have been stealing records for almost ten years now, remorselessly and relentlessly. As much as we all hate to listen to Lars Ulrich cry into Bob Rock’s silk ascot, it’s true. It’s illegal, e lo stiamo facendo perché assumiamo di essere giustificati perché il nostro…
Come Affittare Borse Designer
Should one buy or rent designer handbags? Being a woman in this fast paced life may be a hand full, but luckily we can do it in style. Accessorizing has never been this much fun and with so many options you can really define your style. The only negative characteristic is that these accessories do not come low priced and it is not possible purchasing everything you want, in particular designer prices. Nonetheless you may still be able to have that exceptional designer bag you worship, but cannot afford, all you have to do is rent it. Businesses have started in America, Britain, Germany, Australia e Canada che utilizzano il…
5 Religions You Didn’t Know Used Marijuana
Autore: Robert Kane If you asked most people to think of a “marijuana religion”, they instantly think of Rastafarians and nothing more. But while many religions are as condemnatory of cannabis as they are of any other intoxicant, there is a recorded history of religions using marijuana seeds and leaves that stretches back for thousands of years. Almost every major world religion, it seems, has made use of the drug, usually for spiritual purposes – look at the list below! Taoismo Gli antichi taoisti cinesi inizialmente erano scettici sull'uso della cannabis; their religion regarded it as “the liberator of sin” for some time. Tuttavia, mentre continuavano a farlo…
Finding the right Music Industry Internships
Autore: probir das Most of the times, musicians want to find the right chances, which becomes tough, mainly for the fact that there are very few ways to get access. In the world of entertainment today, there is no better way to find the right chances than to make the right connections. Even when it seems that you don’t know anyone in the industry and are a starter by all means, there is a big chance that you will make it big. There are many options, but what you need is a platform where you can spot the best opportunities and apply for the same. Un sito come è…