Remember a few years back (5 specifically) when Lady Gaga made a meaty apprearance for the VMA? Head to toe in heads and toes. Meat unlike most fabrics does get funky and eventually rot. So was the dress thrown out? Feasted upon before expiring? It’s now in jerky form and being displayed at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. It’s casing is climate controlled to avoid any more shriveling. See Lady Gaga’s meat dress below: In Verbindung stehende Artikel 5 Unverschämte VMA-Modemomente, die Schönheits-Looks von der Show stehlen 2015 MTV VMAs 10 Lady Gaga sieht perfekt aus, damit ihre glamouröse American Horror Story-Figur Lady Gaga bisexuell spielt…
DoSomething Charity created by Alexander Wang Featuring Celebs from every Spectrum
The charity’s campaign consists of a black and white portrait series with celebs and t-shirts featuring the DoSomething logo. Die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation DoSomething widmet sich der Förderung und Unterstützung der Jugend beim sozialen Wandel zum Positiven. The series includeds Grimes, Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Cara Delevigne, Kanye West and more.
Bring It On Cast 15 Years Later (Then & Jetzt)
It’s been fifteen years since the championships. Here is the cast of the cult favorite teen movie Bring it On. Some of the cast looks exactly the same and other unrecognizable. “Courtney, this is not a democracy, it’s a cheerocracy. I’m sorry, but I’m overruling you.” See the then and now photos below: Quelle:
The Evolution of Magazine Covers
Things have definitely changed. For the better? for the worse? That’s a personal perspective kind of answer. Um Ihnen zu helfen, die Entwicklung beliebter bekannter Zeitschriften zu vergleichen und zu vergleichen Karen X. Cheng und Jerry Gabra haben für die letzte Titelseite Bilder zusammengestellt 100 years and splits them into decades. From The National Geographic to Cosmopolitan. Den vollständigen Artikel finden Sie hier. Bilder © Entsprechende Veröffentlichungen / Comparison by Karen X. Cheng and Jerry Gabra / über
Chemical Brothers – Sometimes I Feel So Deserted
Chemical Brothers release their desert post apocalyptic zombie themed music video for their single “Sometimes I feel So Deserted” Watch the zombie kill its victims and take in to use whatever part of the body it needs. Sehen Sie sich das Video unten:
A Kissable Coffee Lid
I love coffee, you love coffee, they love coffee. It’s time to make things a bit more intimate. Der in Korea ansässige Designer Jang Wooseok hat einen Kaffeedeckel entworfen, der küssbare Lippen nachbildet. They vary from color and ethnicity too. Wooseok states “Take-out coffee is a symbol of city culture and fashion,” [Die] shape of a lip is a distinctive style, thereby the combination will be fun.”
Boy Punches Hole Through 1.5 Million Dollar Painting
It wasn’t some sort of radical statement but more of a simple footing problem. When this 12-year-old Taiwanese boy tripped not even the string like barrier could withstand the eventful fall creating a hole in the 350 year Paolo Porpora oil painting stated to be worth 1.5 million dollars. oops. The organizers are not making the boy or his family pay for repairs or damages since the video does show it was an accident. “All 55 paintings in the venue are authentic pieces and they are very rare and precious,” says the exhibition’s Facebook page. “Once these works are damaged, they are permanently damaged.” Watch the event happen below:
Own Your Personal Scientifically Accurate Moon
A tangible moon that you can carry around that accurately glows according to the data received from a Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft. Perfect for Wiccans and Sailor Moon enthusiasts. Erhältlich bei Nosinger. Verwandte Artikel NASA weist Gerücht zurück, States “There is No Asteroid Threatening Earth” What Is NASA Hiding? Aliens? NASA testet Notsender durch Absturz des Flugzeugs "The Martian": Jessica Chastain Gets In Touch With Exploration’s Human Side | Video
Listen to Nirvana’s Previously Unreleased Demo “E-Coli”
An almost 9 minute Nirvana demo recorded around 1994 betitelt “E-Coli” has surfaced online. Die Aufnahme wurde anonym auf reddit gepostet und hat in der Fangemeinde von Nirvana viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Listen to the rare Nirvana demo below:
Literally Balling by artist Victor Solomon
Eine Serie des Künstlers / Designers Victor Solomon, die Basketballausrüstung in wunderschön knalligen und sensiblen Glasmalereien und Juwelen zeigt. Obviously taking away its playability making the objects more of a cheeky sculptural installment for the luxurious baller. Siehe die Serie unter:
Strangers in the Light by Catherine Balet
Candles, sunshine, and moonlight are some of the many embraced, einzigartige und bekannte Quellen für schönes Licht, especially in a photography sense. However a new and also more permanent light source has now made itself known. Die Fotografin Catherine Balet nimmt Bilder auf, bei denen die Lichtquelle von Smartphones stammt, laptops and other forms of new technology. The series “Strangers in the Light” geht die Linie der gesellschaftlichen und künstlerischen Themen. Strangers in the light.