• CULTURA,  Varie.

    What are the benefits of frugality?

    I was in fortunate to be raised by a wonderful single mother who always did the best she could to ensure I received everything that I needed. Tuttavia, I can’t remember a time in our lives where money was not a problem and our main way of dealing with this problem is by being frugal. We were a team, and each other’s rock. That was our way of dealing with the indulgence of luxuries that we couldn’t afford. It sounds easier than it is but, it requires a lot of self-discipline and self-motivation. Avevamo bisogno di credere veramente che la situazione non sarebbe stata sempre così e un giorno…

  • CULTURA,  Varie.,  MUSICA

    Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood Criticised by Miley Cyrus

    The instantly record-breaking popular song and music video for Taylor Swifts single “Bad Blood” has brought some concerns to Miley Cyrus. “I don’t get the violence revenge thing. That’s supposed to be a good example? And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with my titties out? I’m not sure how titties are worse than guns.” She also speaks on about the unfairness and double standards she is presented with in the industry, stating: “There is so much sexism, ageism, you name it. Kendrick Lamar sings about LSD and he’s cool. I do it and I’m a druggie whore [...] Molti di noi sono nati in alcuni…

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    How We Laugh on Facebook

    Facebook collected information from a week in May to see how we laugh on Facebook. Collected from monitored comments, posts, eccetera. we have the main contenders broken up into graphs. The graph Facebook created says 15% of people include laughter in a post at least once a week. The most used laugh is “haha” with 51.4%, followed by emojis with 33.7%, following “hehe” with 12.7%. The least common is “lol”, which only makes up 1.9% of laugher online. Guarda altri grafici sfacciati sul blog di Facebook.

  • Varie.


    E-liquidcanada.ca offers the best in quality, selection and pricing when it comes to hand crafted E-Liquids. Smoking replaced by the much healthier alternative Clouding/Vaping and has now become a booming business making many companies wanting a profit from the recent attention. Il mercato è diventato saturo ma puoi sempre contare su E-liquidcanada.ca considerando le loro fantastiche recensioni e da quanto tempo fanno parte della community. The ELiquids include: Cheesecake Delights Fruit Zensations Succo di metallo Stile Vansterdam Offrono anche fantastiche Ecigs, Terpens, Lipbalm and multiple customizable options. Go check them out and see all they have to offer. Click the image below:

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Woah, The Worst Special Effects Ever Compilation

    When these came out they seemed pretty innovative, now looking back it’s easy to see how far we’ve come even in the last few years. Ecco un video creato da worldwideinterweb che evidenzia alcuni dei peggiori effetti speciali per il grande schermo. Sometimes awkward to watch, but you just can’t not. The Worst Movie Special Effects Ever Compilation di worldwideinterweb

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Gone are the days of 301+ Views on YouTube

    If you are on YouTube as frequently as everyone else you’ve become familiar with the 301+ views that appears under new videos that exceed that amount. There use to be a huge problem with fake views in the earlier days and ever since then the 301+ views has become a fixture of the YouTube community. YouTube is constantly updated, but now the option of view counts as they are happening is a new feature we aren’t accustom with, but have always wanted. Either they have improved security against fake views or they just don’t mind anymore.   Sidenote: Subscribe to Graveravens on YouTube here

  • Varie.

    Feed Hummingbirds with Your Face

    Birds are already unattainable as they are but the quickest and pretty interesting little bird to watch would be the jittery hummingbird. Limited to watch from a distance there are tons of feeders available. But these humming-bird feeder masks put you right in the middle of all the action. La maschera di Eye2eye consente al ronzio di nutrirsi proprio tra i tuoi occhi per un'esperienza di osservazione perfetta. You might have to be patient though. You get to look like Iron Man too, so win win.

  • ART,  CULTURA,  Varie.

    Get YOUR OWN Mermaid Tail!

    The mermaid/merman fantasy lifestyle is more obtainable than you might think. No there still isn’t a way to have gills BUT you can now have your custom beautifully mad mermaid tail. Fondato dall'appassionato di sirene Eric Ducharme Mertailor offre a tutti i suoi clienti la sua passione e il suo apprezzamento per la creatura acquatica. Resulting in the best of Mertails and more. Mertailor offers: Sirena Pinne Disegni personalizzati Opzioni di merchandising

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    3D Hologram Projector on Your Smartphone

    A technology we’ve been waiting for since the famous Star Wars Princess Leia message, the ability to have a hand-held 3D Hologram Projector. You would think with all the latest innovations this is something that should have already been mastered. Sadly Apple and other phone developing companies are just not offering the projection option. What to do? You can actually make it yourself! Watch how the 3D Hologram Projector turns out and also how to make it below: