• Vladimir Karaleev SS 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Vladimir Karaleev S / S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Pliable Mesh und schein Stoffe waren der Schwerpunkt in dieser Saison vladimire Karaleev SS15 Kollektion, können wir dieses Thema in den Ärmeln zu sehen, Hose, usw.. The main ongoing color was white minimal splashes of color. Each outfit was very structured and thought out. The outdoor runway models wore the occasional sunglasses and minimal makeup. Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Franziska Michael Haute Couture FW 2014 Berlin Fashion Week
    FASHION,  Herrenbekleidung,  MEINUNGEN,  Piste

    Franziska Michael Haute Couture F / W 2014 Berlin Fashion Week

    An avantgarde approach to the late 90’s and early 2000’s. The looks demanded attention and were unavoidable. Die Farbpalette bestand aus hellen Pastelltönen, aber die Formen und Stoff Entscheidungen erhöht den visuellen Kontrast. Mesh und metallischen wurden ebenfalls enthalten. Das Styling übernahm in Make-up und Accessoires vom Hals aufwärts trennen. Fantastische Show. Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Kilian Kerner SS 2015 Berlin Fashion Week
    FASHION,  Herrenbekleidung,  MEINUNGEN,  Piste

    Kilian Kerner S / S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Fleck-Glas-Kathedrale inspiriert Sie neigen dazu, eine weiche, aber strukturierten Linien zu sehen. With each peice having a certain reverence. The colors weren’t off the wall crazy but were mainly kept for select patterns and some graphic depictions of stain-glass. The menswear aspect in this collection stood out as well. With a few mesh pieces and full body textiles. Simple styling to go along with the gaudy/simplistic battle this collection was presenting. Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Michael Sontag SS 2015

    Michael Sontag S / S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Normcore auf ihrem Höhepunkt. Ich bin für die Normcore Zug, someone sign me up. This collection fell in-between the ugly cool category. Which Turned out pretty cool. Because if you think it’s ugly… ” uhm you just don’t get it.” Specific highlights in this Michael Sontag collection are the full length dresses (especially the blue dress) and white flip flops. Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Künstler Fred Tomaselli

    Die Times von Künstler Fred Tomaselli

    I’m under the assumption we’ve all at one point sat there bored with a newspaper at hand and started drawing mustaches on people. I for one would switch peoples genders. My school teachers loved that. Abgesehen davon bringt der Künstler Fred Tomaselli es auf eine andere Ebene und kreiert farbenfrohe Kunstwerke für die Titelseiten der New York Times. They now become beautiful unique designs giving and everyday paper something creative and special. „In dieser brillanten Zeitkapsel der jüngsten Weltereignisse, Der gefeierte Künstler Fred Tomaselli erfindet unerschrocken und farbenfroh die Titelseiten der New York Times neu.“ Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Lena Hoschek SS 2015

    Lena Hoschek S / S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Grafik und vielfältige Pin ups. Strong textiles with vintage shapes and a heavy emphasis on accessories including, Sonnenbrille,head wraps and big hoop earrings. This show followed the motto “Mehr ist mehr” but it still ended up looking fine. Beide erinnern an die jüngste Haute-Couture-Show von Giamattista Valli in Paris und versprühen ein Vintage-Feeling. With the Lena Hoschek show being a bit more severe in styling, color and shapes. Quelle: Facebook Comments

  • Augustin Teboul SS 2015
    FASHION,  Piste

    Augustin Teboul S / S 2015 Berlin Fashion Week

    Glamorous schlanken Rocker Chic, in schwarzem Leder und dem gelegentlichen Spitzen verwöhnten. These ladies mean mugged their way down the runway in greased mullet inspired hair and silver makeup. The pieces that stood out were the full head to toe leather outfits. perfectly tailored shimmering, They looked like they slid right on like a leather glove.   Quelle: Facebook Comments