• FASHION,  Set di Moda

    Summer Looks: Short Shorty Shorts

    Summer is here, the heat is pounding. Instead of running around naked to avoid any heat wave why not take a look at these summer friendly looks all including comfortable shorts. Untitled #546 di mitchelcrandell con un top bianco Untitled #519 di mitchelcrandell con maglioni di lana Untitled #509 di mitchelcrandell con gioielli spike Untitled #541 by mitchelcrandell featuring black booties Facebook Comments

  • JeffBarkWoodPecker
    ART,  CULTURA,  Varie.

    Jeff Bark – Picchio (Presente Giorno Romanticismo)

    “Woodpecker stretches the definition of romanticism to reference both the emotive paintings of centuries past, and the modern struggle with post-industrial malaise. Situated in a teenage wasteland that hovers between nature and urban decay, Bark’s listless figures partake in skinny-dipping, huffing, e fumare marijuana. " Dichiarazione dell'artista: “I’ve always been very sensitive to light, even in my house… It’s all about how the light makes you feel. In my studio the light is very sexy, calming – it’s warm from all the tungsten lights, and very comforting. In the brightness you can’t see around you, so you feel alone, except for me yelling at you saying ‘Move your finger!'Più che provare…

  • FASHION,  Set di Moda

    Graveravens: Look del giorno, estate buio

    Oscuro ma ancora estate cordiale. The black billowy mesh top and skirt allow breath-ability. Quasi non ti rendi conto che questo è un abito monopezzo di Jay Ahr con volant. Untitled #544 by mitchelcrandell featuring patent boots Jay Ahr ruffle dress farfetch.com Tamara Mellon patent boots tamaramellon.com Cateye sunglasses shopzerouv.com Facebook Comments


    La Roux – Let Me Down delicatamente

    It’s been a hot minute since somethings been released by La Roux, what do you think of the new track and video. The new album titled Trouble In Paradise is set to be released July 7th. You can tell La Roux is smart and stuck to their sythpop feel which made them huge in the first place. This song though is a little more low beat compared to what we’re us too. Assume there will be more heartbreak in this album. La Roux – Let Me Down Gently Tratto dall'album Trouble In Paradise, disponibile dal 7 luglio Preordina ora su iTunes http://po.st/TIPyt e Amazon http://po.st/TIPamznYT Facebook Comments

  • soffitta taylor corvi intervista dig (2)

    Intervista: Garret Taylor per Graveravens

    Modello, Actor, Musician Garret Taylor has his foot rightfully wedged into many doors. With his stable head and hard work ethic it is hard to not notice this talent. A discovered model with an already impressive body of work along with upcoming endeavors in music and acting. We can not wait to see what else Garret will handsomely conquer. -age? 21 -height? 6' -Posizione? Los Angeles - segno? Libbra Q: Who do you look up to and idolize in the industry? La: In the modeling industry, Alzo lo sguardo a David Gandy. He is very professional and approachable. Voglio che le persone si sentano in questo modo quando guardano alla mia carriera…


    Mattone + Mortaio – Old Boy (Official Video)

    Un nuovo video musicale da ultimo anni album intitolato Bangs. Il video è animata da Richie Brown ed è incentrata su una ricerca di avventure con dettagli impertinenti come lunghi capezzoli e svolazzanti chiappe. Seguire queste strane creature sulla loro avventura e godere dell'animazione divertimento offerto. Cinguettio: twitter.com/brickandmortar Facebook: facebook.com/BrickAndMortarOfficial Instagram: instagram.com/brickandmortar Brick + Mortaio – Old Boy da THE VAMP GROUP on Vimeo. Facebook Comments


    Mac DeMarco – Passando Out Pezzi (Official Video)

    Full of low res video tape murders and pulling salad out of his butt. The song from Salad Days has a fun camp feel we are all familar with when finding a camera. The video was directed by a fellow band-mate. Check out the shenanigans, and great music. The discription on the video states: “Demarco’s at it again, except this time he’s seen to much! Out for revenge with seemingly no good reason, no one is safe with this cretin roaming the street. There’s blood on his hands and he’s washing them clean, with more blood! All his paranoid fantasies have been realized in this disturbed and barbaric world. “I…