• KULTUR,  FASHION,  Sonstiges.

    Woman with Muscular Dystrophy applies to be a fashion model, and gets hired.

    The world of fashion and modeling is easily seen as the most self damaging, judgmental and malicious. Zum Beispiel das jüngste Interview über die A.&F Bild mit dem CEO von Aberbrombie & Fitch, Mike Jeffries himself stated: “It’s almost everything. That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that,"In jeder Schule gibt es die coolen und beliebten Kinder.", and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” he told the site. “Candidly, we go after the cool kids. Wir verfolgen das attraktive rein amerikanische Kind mit einem…

  • Sonstiges.

    Graveravens Link Swaps

    If you are interested in link swapping please send a message at graveravens@gmail.com and we can make a quick swap and get this show on the road. xo mitchelcrandell.com http://www.funnyfashiongames.com pompuseyes.com Facebook Comments


    Chanel Haute Couture SS 2014

    When you think of classic and high fashion, Chanel always comes to mind. This season displayed once again their staple tweed fabrics with very beautifully structured feminine outfits in light varieties of pastels. There was a strong athletic feel to the whole collection due to glammed up silver knee pads and fanny packs. Ich würde das Ganze als reichen Sportpixie beschreiben?But the one thing that demanded most attention would have to be the footwear the models were rocking. They weren’t the usual high fashion impossible heels to walk in, they were actually the complete opposite. Turnschuhe! Die sportliche / schillernde Schuhbekleidung lieferte der Couture-Schuhmacher Massaro…

  • KULTUR,  FASHION,  Sonstiges.

    Making Your Presence Felt in Fashion Photography

    Autor: Model Es ist eine schwierige Aufgabe, sich in der Modefotografie zu etablieren. One can take it as a career option, if one has the willingness to work hard, has a creative mind, and possesses the ability to capture the perfect images. A fashion photographer should have proficiency in two disciplines- you need to be an excellent portrait photographer. Second, you should have the ability to create images for use in advertisements. A successful fashion photographer will be able to combine the two disciplines into a perfect blend with a keen eye to details in design. Erfolg als angesehener Modefotograf kommt zu einem, der…

  • 3d Baby
    ART,  KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    Morbid or Awesome, 3D Babies …

    Morbid or awesome, I can’t decide. A new interesting product has hit the ever bloated pregnancy market, an actual 3-d tangible print of yours, or whomsoever’s unborn baby. Ja, this is true. Die Firma 3DBabies bietet den Service für rund 600 dollars for a mini pre birthed being. Do you set it on the nightstand? Do you think this could replace the nostalgia ultra sound ? Is This how people way back in the day felt when ultrasounds came out? A weird sense of taboo surrounding something like a little baby life. Imagine giving this as a gift to someone. Ein Fötus in einer Kiste ... Aber ich gehe nicht…

  • igitt lp Albumcover

    Back Track: Yuck – Get Away (Live @ Insound Studio Sessions)

    “As you may notice we’ve got a new location for the Insound Studio Session. Our new home at Kutch1 studios has begun with a bang as we filmed Yuck tearing through three cuts from their self-titled album there earlier this month. The band absolutely killed it (as we knew they would) and turned in one of our favorite sessions yet. Thanks also to our new film crew Haus + Loghitano, who made this one look stunning.” Facebook Comments

  • FASHION,  Fashion Sets

    Shearling Coats

    Some clothing pieces always stand the test of time, whether it be the little black dress, a nice peacoat, or simple up do. I definitely thing shearling coats are included. Meaning it is something you don’t have to feel guilty purchasing because you know it will be a staple for years to come. Here are some nice choices and examples below. What’s your personal opinion on shearling coats? Timeless or just trendy. Shearling by mitchelcrandell featuring faux-fur coats Facebook Comments



    A very dark feel to this show, the haunting music followed by the distinctively slow pace of the models set the stage for a dramatic display. It seems the models were each wearing glossy gas masks hiding their identity, but upon further inspection you notice it is black hair pulled over their faces twisted down to a swirling black rope. Things that stood out most would be the strategically placed holes on the black formal wear that flowed through the whole show. The fits where loose and flowing as they glided across the room. Quelle:   Facebook Comments


    "FREUEN! Unsere Zeit ist unerträglich ". JENNY HOLZER UND IHR '15 ENTZÜNDLICHEN Essays ' 1979-82

    “In ihren frühen Jahren als Künstler, Jenny Holzer begann mit Text zu arbeiten, um die Sprache der Popkultur zu manipulieren und gleichzeitig politische Kommentare zu verfassen. Ihre Arbeit in der Regel aus aggressiven Äußerungen soll die passive Betrachter treiben in einen Akt des Fragens. Ihre "Inflammatory Essays", eine Reihe von 15 (mehr?) Poster produziert die zwischen Künstler 1979 und 1982, wurden an Wänden in dicht besiedelten Gebieten von New York City geklebt. Die anonymen Aussagen wurden von großen politischen Persönlichkeiten wie Emma Goldman beeinflusst, Mao Tse-Tung, und Wladimir Lenin und, although they show eye-catching colors, sie ziemlich provokativ Gedanken geteilt. In einer Erklärung der Holzer Studio bereitgestellt, Die entzündlichen Aufsätze werden beschrieben als „a…