Finding the right Music Industry Internships

    Autore: probir das Most of the times, musicians want to find the right chances, which becomes tough, mainly for the fact that there are very few ways to get access. In the world of entertainment today, there is no better way to find the right chances than to make the right connections. Even when it seems that you don’t know anyone in the industry and are a starter by all means, there is a big chance that you will make it big. There are many options, but what you need is a platform where you can spot the best opportunities and apply for the same. Un sito come www.indiesprofile.com è…


    Tom Ford Documentario

    Thomas Carlyle “Tom” Ford is an American fashion designer and film director. Ha guadagnato fama internazionale per la sua svolta di Gucci e la creazione dell'etichetta Tom Ford prima di dirigere il film candidato all'Oscar A Single Man source: Facebook Comments

  • ART

    Li Hongbo Incredibile Paper Sculptures

    When we think of creating art with paper we tend to think towards 2d and at the very most some origami. Chinese artist Li Hongbo has a particular sculpture medium is paper. He’s created structures and sculptures that seem solid but once you play around with it realize that it can morph and stretch into different shapes and sizes, creating an almost dreamlike optical illusion to normal objects. “My interest in paper began when I published books. When it came to design, I had to consider paper — what type of paper suited which book,” Li states. His curiosity lead to intriguing artistic outlet. Guarda il video qui sotto a…

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Famous Handwritings Analyzed

    Famous Handwritings Analyzed Author: Joel Engel Famose grafie analizzate da Joel Engel Bill Gates * Bill Gates’ high, upper zone extensions (A1, A2) as compared to his small middle zone letters (a, c, e, eccetera) reflect a need to be on top of others-mentally. His fast-paced writing shows mental speed. The slashed j dot (B) and those unnecessary initial strokes (C1, C2) shout argumentativeness, cynicism and irritability. The right slanted angular writing broadcasts aggressiveness. The long, rightward extensions (D1, D2) tell of a sympathetic, generous personality. His left margin (E) is exceptionally even, this is indicative of a unique and exceedingly organized intellect. Career Test comments: “Quando si accoppia questo con tutto…

  • words
    CULTURA,  Varie.

    The Reclamation of Words

    Autore: Jon Lawrence The Reclamation of Words Uso le parole da molto tempo, I owe so much to them. They helped me proclaim my devotion to my wife nine years ago this very day, they enabled me to eloquently articulate my feelings in poetry and songs, and they were really useful when writing my somewhat tart, yet amusing and satisfying letter of resignation after eleven intolerable years at a certain teaching establishment. I therefore feel compelled to stand up for the verbs, pro-nouns, nouns, adjectives and onomatopoeias, invectives and more, that have served me so well. For all the good they do for us we, il…