Paintings by Bo Bartlett

    Painter Bo Bartlett pulls his technique from classic American realism with a modern day message. Displaying surrealism into the traditional inspired images covering death, life and more. See some selected works below:


    How Much Does Everyone ACTUALLY Make Working on a $200 Million Movie

    American summer blockbusters throw out large numbers that are easily impressive when told about, but it brings a new and enlightening perspective seeing how the money actually ends up getting split between everyone who is working on that “big budget” feature film. Mira el vídeo a continuación: Artículos relacionados La estrella de El señor de los anillos, Elijah Wood, dice que Hollywood está atrapado por una poderosa red de pedófilos y Tinseltown está encubriendo un "sórdido’ underbelly full of predatory ‘vipers’ Elijah Woods hace un cambio de sentido en los anillos depredadores de pedófilos de Hollywood Trump se dirige a Hollywood para recaudar fondos con las estrellas… Ceramic debris snarls traffic on 170 Freeway in North Hollywood