Outrospection by Daniel Ramos Obregón

    Columbian based fashion designer/artist Daniel Ramos Obregón creates a series of porcelain casts that extend from the body in gold-plated brass metal frames. The project is explained as a wearable study of self-representation. “I have appropriated his concept while relating it to out-of-body experiences more commonly known as astral projections, by seeking to represent -in a metaphorical way- the mind being projected inside out of the body as a way of self-expression and representation.” – Daniel Ramos Obregón sour

  • Robert-Maurice Debois by Brice Krum

    Robert-Maurice Debois by Brice Krum

    “Robert Maurice is very far from the Gaia planet in the globular cluster M13. After catching the Arecibo message he decided to go on earth. I had the idea of this series because I was looking to create a free personage that allows me to shoot anywhere, anytime. Make an observer of our planet. Then I met Robert. I created him a Facebook account, Instagram, and I even registered with a dating site, Tinder. Through social networks he can express himself, observe the influence of appearance, for example, he likes to play dummies. Mi objetivo está lejos de los estándares habituales de belleza ". Por Brice Krum Encuéntrelo en popular…

  • Love by artist Raphaëlle Martin

    Love by artist Raphaëlle Martin

    A mixed media series titled Love by artist Raphaëlle Martin features portraits of couples in romantic situations that ar completely colorblocked out except for few features such as hair, mouth, eyes and hands. See the romantic series below. Raphaëlle Martin

  • Wearable Planter Jewelry, the Stylish Adults Tamagotchi
    CULTURA,  MODA,  Misc.

    Wearable Planter Jewelry, the Stylish Adults Tamagotchi

    A little extreme, but that’s why it’s awesome. WearablePlanter.com ofrece una línea de joyería única y ecológica que realmente crece contigo. They have many living options from flowers and other dainty greeneries. Also featuring bike attachments for all you thrill seeking bearded speed demons. It’s like having a chic echo friendly Tamagotchi. (it can die too.)

  • Revealing Kurt Cobains Unseen Paintings
    ART,  CULTURA,  Misc.

    Revealing Kurt Cobain’s Unseen Paintings

    Mientras filmaba el documental Montage of Heck, Brett Morgen tuvo un acceso excepcional al casillero de almacenamiento personal de Kurt Cobain lleno de creaciones y posesiones personales invisibles, incluidos poemas., journals, films, recording, and artworks. Below are some of Kurt Cobain’s never before seen artworks:      

  • Corazones rotos por el artista Miguel Leal

    Corazones rotos por el artista Miguel Leal

    Casi manchas de tinta por el título por sí solo se sentirá tentado a mirar más allá y notan un corazón en cada trabajo independiente. corazones rotos por separado y de forma abstracta contaminados. visual y ejecutado por el artista Miguel Leal. http://www.miguelleal.info/

  • Visual Temperatura - Sofa de Cao Hui

    Visual Temperatura – Sofa de Cao Hui

    Carnoso, carnoso y lleno de secreciones grasas crudas. Artista Cao Hui juega con lo que algunos podrían llamar texturas inquietantes para crear carne jugosa piezas de tapicería. Uusing materiales de medios mixtos, como la resina y fibra. Cao Hui. Visual Temperatura – Sofá, 2008. El material mezclado de la resina, fibra, etcétera, 98 x 106 x 108 cm.

  • Destructivo en Arte por Valerie Hegarty

    Destructivo en Arte por Valerie Hegarty

    Pinturas y obras de arte bien conocidas que se Epicly destruido por la madre naturaleza tendencias destructivas imperdonables. Ver las esculturas 3d manipulación de las pinturas en piezas más interesantes y orgánicamente ásperos del arte. fuente: