• 3d bébé
    ART,  CULTURE,  Divers.

    Morbid ou Impressionnant, 3D Bébés …

    Morbid ou génial, Je ne peux pas décider. A new interesting product has hit the ever bloated pregnancy market, an actual 3-d tangible print of yours, or whomsoever’s unborn baby. Oui, this is true. La société 3DBabies fournit le service pour environ 600 dollars for a mini pre birthed being. Do you set it on the nightstand? Do you think this could replace the nostalgia ultra sound ? Is This how people way back in the day felt when ultrasounds came out? A weird sense of taboo surrounding something like a little baby life. Imagine giving this as a gift to someone. Un fœtus dans une boîte ... Mais je ne vais pas…