Permanent Banksy Exhibition is Now Open

    Basically all art by Banksy is known to have a short life span due to it’s highly publicized and unapproved street art locations. But now his work has found some stable permanince in East Londons Hang-Up Gallery. “There’s currently nowhere in the capital to view a permanent Banksy collection,” stated the gallery’s director Ben Cotton in Time Out. “So we thought we’d change that. It’s an intimate space packed full of a broad cross-section of his work from the start of his career to the present day – so whether you’re a Bansky aficionado or a seasoned collector it’s certainly worth a look.”


    New Trailer for “Saving Banksy” Documentary

    “one misguided art collector’s attempt to save a Banksy from destruction and the auction block.” “Saving Banksy – It’s not art unless you can sell it for lots of money,” The documentary includes commentary by artists Ben Eine, Risk, Revok, Niels Mueman, Blek Le Rat, Anthony Lister, Doze Green, Hera and Glen E Friedman. Watch the trailer below:

  • Banksy Art Removed

    Banksy Piece Removed for being “Offensive and Racist”

    No shit. Banksy’s artworks are known for their satire imagery on heavy issues and ones that get swept under the rug.  Residence from the oceanside town of Clacton-on-See in Essex were flipping when the graffiti imagery appeared on Tendring Disctric Council’s boathouse. The image presented was one of birds on a wire. A group of grey pidgins holding protesting signs reading: “MIGRANTS NOT WELCOME”,”GO BACK TO AFRICA”, and “KEEP OFF OUR WORMS” These messages harshly directed to a smaller, alone, colorful bird not to far from the pidgins. “The site was inspected by staff who agreed that it could be seen as offensive and it was removed this morning in…