“In loving memory. Taylor Swift, 1989 -2016” Mural by Lushsux

    In lieu of the Kimye vs. Taylor Saga El artista australiano Lushsux arroja un tono lúdico hacia Taylor Swift en una lectura mural in memoriam de gran tamaño “In loving memory. Taylor Swift, 1989 -2016” It’s been reported that passerbyers are leaving flowers and candles underneath the piece. To avoid action from Taylors aggressive legal team the artist conveniently spelt the name Taylor SMITH, we see what you did there. The recent passing of @taylorswift is heart wrenching. Come and leave some flowers and light some candles at her memorial in Hosier lane in honour of her memory. If you do please DM photos of you doing it. #taylorswift #kimexposedtaylorparty #kimkardashian photo: @deansunshine Una foto…