Orgasm Faces by Alina Oswald

    Munich based photographer Alina Oswald created a black and white series capturing her friends and strangers at the exact moment they reach orgasm. “It’s not just about eroticism, its about how we confront ourselves with sexuality, how we deal with the topic in society. I want to make clear that sexuality is not just in our body. There is more than the porn industry shows.” -Alina Oswald Articoli correlati Ciò che le persone nell'industria del porno sono pagate (10 Photos) Wall St. al porno su YouTube Rashida Jones su Feminist Porn, Sex and Privacy in Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On Future of revenge porn vedrà ex respinti creare sesso 3D…

  • ART

    Escape Series by Shawn Pyfrom

    L'artista Shawn Pyfrom di Los Angeles crea una serie intitolata Escape in cui i suoi dipinti esplorano diversi sbocchi che usiamo per sfuggire alle persone o alla vita pubblica. From a phone, cigarette to used condoms and more. Vedere la serie qui sotto: