Whimsical and mysterious portrait drawings by artist Jenna Andersen, depicting adventure and an overall sense of wandering. See some selected works below:
Nightmare Project by Jung Senerak
Nightmare Project book illustrations created by artist Jung Senerak depicting intricate and horrific scenes. Voir les illustrations ci-dessous,en:
Illustrations by Marianne Engedal
Their plants are their children in this light hearted illustrative series by Marianne Engedal. You can find the green thumbed characters cradling, kissing and sleeping on the work. See some selected works below:
Digital Illustrations by Krisztian Tejfel
Soft digital portraits created by artist Krisztian Tejfel depicting the subjects in melancholy surreal elements. See some selected works below:
Illustrations by Sabrina Gevaerd Montibeller
Brazilian based artist creates colorful illustrations mixing human portraits and nature. See some selected works below:
Charlie Brown Illustrations by Mark Mulroney
A well loved cartoon character in not so loved outcomes, all ending in extremely gory and disturbing scenes. We find Charlie Brown guts out, stabbed, endlessly bleeding and more. Voir la série créée par l'artiste Mark Mulroney ci-dessous: site Web: http://www.markmulroney.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markmulroney/
Animated Illustrations by Xaviera López
Artist Xaviera López puts her portraits into a surreal animation series embracing beauty, romance and femininity with simple black, rouge & white lines. See the shoot below:
Illustrations by Valeria Hernan
Artist Valeria Hernan creates an illustrative series surrounding the simple joys of playful childhood. See some selected works below:
Shadow Illustrations by Vincent Bal
Belgian filmmaker Vincent Bal creates a playful series using everyday shadows. «Pendant que je travaillais sur un nouveau scénario en avril dernier, J'ai remarqué comment ma tasse de thé faisait une belle ombre sur un morceau de papier. J'ai tracé des lignes dessus et soudain l'ombre était un éléphant," écrit Bal. "J'ai pris une photo avec mon téléphone et je l'ai postée sur Facebook. Avant que je le sache, cette photo a été partagée et aimée comme jamais auparavant. J'ai été surpris de voir à quel point les gens l'ont aimé. Depuis ce jour, je publie un doodle par jour.“ -VB instagram.com/vincent_bal facebook.com/doodleballs twitter.com/vincebal etsy.com/shop/VincentBalDoodles
Illustrations by Marc Torrent
Intriguing colorful portraits illustrated by Marc Torrent. Marc’s work can been seen featured in children’s books, magazines and more. See the Rare Pieces series below:
Illustrations by Ha Gyung Lee
L'illustrateur Ha Gyung Lee crée des portraits fantastiques lumineux de personnages qui se transforment ou évoluent de manière inquiétante en différentes créatures. See some selected works below: