An adorable series created by illustrator Philip Tseng titled Taste Buds, each food paired with their best buddy. From beer and pizza, milk and cookies, bacon and eggs and more. lil cuties. Images © Philip Tseng
Interview: Artist Jared Africa for Graveravens
The best of odd and amazing, artist Jared Africa creates unique illustrations that captivate you from each corner, from the electrifying colors to the hyper detailed subjects and characters. It makes you wonder who is behind these works. Check out our interview with the artist and learn some of his current and back-story. Q: Where did you grow up? A: I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. Q: What would you say is one of your favorite movies and why? A: Just like everyone, I’m a huge David Lynch fan and Mulholland Drive is definitely my favorite of his movies. Each scene is perfect to me, und es…
Illustrationen von Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy
Pen and ink illustrations by London based artist Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy featuring a variation of odd portraits full of tattoos, Lippen Messgeräte und seltsame Begegnungen und andere Körpermodifikationen. Quelle:
Illustrierte Portraits von Sofia Bonati
Siehe Großbritannien ansässigen Künstlern Illustrierte Porträts. Insbesondere styled und charmant. Mit gelegentlichen Hommage an Popkultur. Quelle:
Illustrationen von Künstler Kristofer Porter
NYC lebende Künstler Krisofer Porter schafft cartoonish und interessanter gruselig Abbildungen. Quelle:
Anatomy of Cartoon Characters – by Michael Paulus
Fun, maybe creepy figure drawings of the bone anatomy of well known cartoon characters by artist Michael Paulus.
Illustrationen von Victo Ngai
Einzigartige Illustrationen von Künstler Victo Ngai. Bunt und von alten japanischen Druck Arbeit beeinflusst. No consistent themes with the separate pieces but more of individual stories or messages captured in stand alone illustrations. Quelle:
iIllustrations by Olex Oleole
Ink illustration by artist Olex Oleole give the appearance of coming from an older vintage dictionary. But looking at them closely you see they are full of visual symbolism and playfulness. Quelle:
Illustrationen von Kaethe Butcher (wahrscheinlich NSFW)
Beautiful illustrated depictions by artist Kaethe Butcher featuring lezgirl centric topics. The images are very raunchy but also have depth and romance. I assume like most passionate relationships. Symbolic with the occasional written statement nuzzled in the story. Enjoy the images below. Quelle:
Vagina und Penis Salat Trauben, Kunst von Aurel Schmidt (NSFW, ich gehe davon aus)
“In two of Aurel Schmidt’s more recent series, the artist’s highly rendered drawings depict leafy vagina lettuce and ginger toes, among other inventive combinations of body parts and edibles.” Quelle:
Promi Bleistift Portraits
Amazing pop culture pencil portaits by Natasha Kinaru References: natashakinaru.deviantart und odditycentral Verwandte Artikel Porträts Katzenporträt Hyperrealistische handgezeichnete Porträts