Illustrations by My Buemann

    Dive into the minimalist universe of Copenhagen based illustrator My Buemann filled with playful and thought provoking characters incapsulating various emotions. “I have always been interested in people and often address people’s feelings – rational or irrational – in my work. I use myself as a starting point but a lot of people recognize themselves in my work. I think it’s crucial that we don’t neglect our feelings, but that we dare to acknowledge them, which is part of being alive. I hope that my drawings can be used as a tool which for a moment, nous fait nous sentir. -My Buemann Voir quelques oeuvres sélectionnées ci-dessous:

  • ART

    Flower Shower Series by Daria Golab

    Une série de portraits illustratifs de l'artiste polonaise Daria Golab où l'on retrouve les sujets féminins entourés de fleurs mais présentant de subtiles nuances brutes comme des yeux sanglants, knuckles and fingers along with their somber sometimes disheveled expressions that make you wonder what pain they are withholding. See the some of the beautiful Flower Shower series below: