Dietro porte chiuse: I musei parigini concedevano accesso segreto ai nudi maschili a metà del XIX secolo

    A metà del XIX secolo, Parisian art museums implemented an unusual program known as the "Morning Visits" esclusivamente per le loro mecenate. Ogni venerdì dalle 10 alle 11, i musei consentirebbero l’accesso esclusivamente alle donne, mostrando giovani atleti maschi in posa strategicamente come sculture viventi tra le classiche statue nude.


    Permanent Banksy Exhibition is Now Open

    Basically all art by Banksy is known to have a short life span due to it’s highly publicized and unapproved street art locations. Ma ora il suo lavoro ha trovato una stabilità stabile nella Hang-Up Gallery di East London. “There’s currently nowhere in the capital to view a permanent Banksy collection,” ha dichiarato il direttore della galleria Ben Cotton in Time Out. “So we thought we’d change that. It’s an intimate space packed full of a broad cross-section of his work from the start of his career to the present day – so whether you’re a Bansky aficionado or a seasoned collector it’s certainly worth a look.”

  • Paradise Lost fotografato da Nick Knight
    ART,  Varie.

    Paradise Lost, fotografata da Nick Knight

    Roses being shot in the head. Striking and oddly wrong feeling. Even though we always pick roses, make retarded little crowns and smash them into books. Something about shooting them with a gun gives them little souls. I guess we are only use to humans and animals with this outcome.   Paradiso perduto per i-D #259 Ottobre 2005, fotografato dalla fonte di Nick Knight:  

  • Boxers Prima e dopo

    Boxers: Prima e dopo la lotta

    Young boxers retake the same portraits after their boxing matches. At first you don’t see much of a difference, but the longer you compare the more you see has changed within the two. Flushed, tired, and some bleeding. Nicolai Howalt – Boxers: Prima e dopo la lotta (2012)