Oil Paintings by Gregory Jacobsen

    “I paint figures, focusing on the little bits that obsess me…a little flab hanging over a waistband, ill-fitting shoes, overbites, noses, dents, and flesh. Either through portraiture or busy tableaux, I create a world and vocabulary of characters that live and embrace their so-called faults. Au fil des ans, this work has developed into piles that are corpulent and visceral stand-ins for characters. Meat, junk, pasties, and genital-like fruit and vegetables are constructed into heroic yet pathetic towers. These piles also act as a sort of forensic evidence and cataloging of awkward sex, gross gluttony, ridiculous masturbation rituals, and endless humiliation and failure.” – Gregory Jacobsen

  • ART

    Graham, the Only Human Body that can Survive a Car Crash.

    Graham may look very different, but unlike the rest of us he is fully equipped to survive a car crash. Commission australienne des accidents de la route présentée au projet en faisant équipe avec l'artiste Patricia Piccinini pour créer le premier homme qui a génétiquement évolué pour résister à un traumatisme physique majeur. Voir la série ci-dessous:

  • ART,  CULTURE,  Divers.

    Eat Your Heart Out

    Give your heart to your loved one this Valentine’s Day, and watch them eat it. For all you freaky lovers out there. Learn how to make your very own bloody heart present by using red velvet cake. Conçu et créé par Yolanda Gampp de la chaîne youtube How To Cake It. Try it out below: