Thara di Justin Polkey

    Il fotografo di moda Justin Polkey per le strade desolate di Shoreditch, Londra pochi giorni dopo Covid 19 le restrizioni di blocco hanno cominciato ad allentarsi. La stilista Ria Kamat ha presentato i look di bottega venetta, louis vuitton, Alexander McQueen, Dior & Hermés.

  • ART

    Boys & Ma: Portraits of London’s Male Escorts

    “Over the past six months, I have been photographing male escorts who work in London’s sex industry. As old and extensive as this industry is, its existence is largely hidden away from society. Through my images, I wanted to raise awareness about the men who work within it, especially since they tend to be less visible than their female and transgender counterparts. Sto collaborando con l'ente benefico National Ugly Mugs che mira a sostenere i lavoratori del settore migliorando la loro sicurezza, ending violence against sex workers and fighting stigma. Ho iniziato questo lavoro come progetto finale per l'università ma ho intenzione di portare avanti l'idea per…


    Permanent Banksy Exhibition is Now Open

    Basically all art by Banksy is known to have a short life span due to it’s highly publicized and unapproved street art locations. Ma ora il suo lavoro ha trovato una stabilità stabile nella Hang-Up Gallery di East London. “There’s currently nowhere in the capital to view a permanent Banksy collection,” ha dichiarato il direttore della galleria Ben Cotton in Time Out. “So we thought we’d change that. It’s an intimate space packed full of a broad cross-section of his work from the start of his career to the present day – so whether you’re a Bansky aficionado or a seasoned collector it’s certainly worth a look.”

  • Lazy Oaf FW 2014 Lookbook

    Lazy Oaf F / W 2014 Lookbook

    Lazy Oaf ha pubblicato il loro lookbook per la F / W 2014 look book, riempito con una grafica nostalgici pesanti e detti sassy. photographed on a blank background letting the clothing stand alone. I modelli Smug volti angosciante legano bene con il tema generale. fonte: