¿Qué pasa si estás en un desfile en París como de costumbre y Anna Fucking Wintour te pregunta sobre tus programas favoritos hasta ahora y no sabes qué decir porque eres esa perra tonta que no sabe cómo? pronuncia los nombres de los diseñadores para que termines tartamudeando y ella termine en la lista negra de tu lamentable culo inculto de todos los eventos de moda imaginables. The horror… That being said, Graveravens siguió adelante e hizo un video para enseñarles a los amantes de la moda en flor cómo pronunciar correctamente los nombres de los diseñadores., and not make a fool of yourselves. ¿Maldito Grimes?‘ indie perra culo hacer la música para este graveravens exclusivo debe ver…
Louis Vuitton Menswear S / S 2015, Joven retroceso Chic
Classy and retro, from the prints to the patterns. Styled head to toe very cleanly and each model mostly paired with clean white sneakers. Very James Bond meets Rebel Without a Cause. My favorite separate pieces would have to be the mustard yellow outerwear and the multicolored bomber jackets. (throws money on the runway) fuente:
Cómo alquilar bolsos de diseño
Should one buy or rent designer handbags? Being a woman in this fast paced life may be a hand full, but luckily we can do it in style. Accessorizing has never been this much fun and with so many options you can really define your style. The only negative characteristic is that these accessories do not come low priced and it is not possible purchasing everything you want, in particular designer prices. Nonetheless you may still be able to have that exceptional designer bag you worship, but cannot afford, all you have to do is rent it. Businesses have started in America, Britain, Germany, Australia y Canadá que utilizan…