• morrissey initiate me

    Polémico Nueva camiseta de Morrissey

    Morrissey está actualmente de gira, y en su gira actual se pone a la venta una camiseta que está creando algo de ruido. Conocido por ser encantadoramente controversial su nueva gira camisa le ofrece en la cubierta desnuda hasta la boca Queens mientras que un bocadillo de diálogo cita a una de sus canciones diciendo “Cuanto más me ignoras, cuanto más me acerco.” Es política? probablemente. ¿Es descarado? oh infierno sí.


    Morrissey Oficialmente en Twitter!

    The lengendary Morrissey is now leaving his twitter imprint on the digital universe. Pretty awesome. His Profile picture is his upcoming album, is this all for marketing purposes? Has he become corperate?! QUÉ? nah read his first tweets below. Keeping it classy yet sassy.   Hello. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Planet Earth, are you there? One can only hope… — Morrissey (@itsmorrissey) Mayo 14, 2014 This sassy gem. Follow, follow, follow. Twitter is the perfect metaphor for…something. Dunno what. — Morrissey (@itsmorrissey) Mayo 14, 2014

  • Morrissey
    CULTURA,  Misc.,  MÚSICA

    Morrissey Proporciona una airada carta sobre la Familia Real

    The main topic concerning the royal family and their hunting, He writes: “One day prior to giving a public plea on behalf of animal welfare (!), Prince William is to be found in Spain (with Prince Harry) shooting and killing as many deer and boar as they possibly can! Although William’s speech (no doubt written by his publicity aides at Clarence House) will concentrate on endangered species, William is too thick wit to realize that animals such as tigers and rhino are only driven to near extinction because people who are precisely like himself and his brother have shot them off the map – todo en nombre del deporte…