Return to Magenta by Brooklyn Whelan

    L'artiste basé à Sydney Brooklyn Whelan crée une série intitulée Return to Magenta où il dépeint de beaux nuages ​​qui descendent lentement en couleur à l'aide de peintures acryliques. “As an artist, I work to develop paintings that speak about the beauty and power that exists within weather patterns. I constantly find myself staring into oncoming storms. I do not merely want to capture the image with my painting; rather, with strong bold strokes, I want to give it life and energy, also the sense of fantasy that one might see in an 80’s sci fi – Powerful electricity, but with a tone of grace, douceur et mouvement. www.brooklynwhelan.com

  • Paintings by artist Ali Cavanaugh

    Paintings by artist Ali Cavanaugh

    Artist Ali Cavanaugh creates beautiful and intricate high key fresco paintings focusing on candid emotion filled portraits of her (adorable) subjects. A show featuring her new series ‘Immerse’ sera exposé à la Gold Gallery de Boston à partir du 8 septembre – Oct 18th. See some of Ali Cavanaugh’s work below: See more at: www.alicavanaugh.com

  • ART

    Sweet Dreams by artist Martha Rich

    An art series titled “Sweet Dreams” de Martha Rich montre des peintures aux couleurs vives avec des personnages aux yeux écarquillés et aux lèvres.. Mixing portraiture, surealism and mixed media. I love their fun little expressions that are somewhat vague but silly. Voir “Sweet Dreams” below:     Articles liés: Everything good comes from honesty (unknown)Request… Feature Friday: La sortie d'avril d'Inge Wright acceptée dans l'exposition avec jury Art By America

  • ART

    Artwork by Jason Martin

    Riding the line of painting and sculptures Jason’s Martin’s artwork literally stands out in extremes. Like those children’s books with different textures you have the urge to touch the contrasting curious techniques.   http://www.lissongallery.com/artists/jason-martin/