• Paint Forms by artist Kim Keever

    Paint Forms by artist Kim Keever

    playful and unpredictable. NYC based artist Kim Keever explores the manipulation of paint by dropping paint into water filled aquariums. Each captured moment is unique and un predetirmend. See the colorful abstractions below. source:  

  • Ecotone 2014 by artist Jacob van Loon

    Ecotone 2014 by artist Jacob van Loon

    A mixed media portrait by artist Jacob van Loon. Ecotone 2014 Assemblage on panel [diptych] Assemblage on panel [diptych] 2014 This piece will be on display in November at the 5th annual Art Meets Fashion exhibit in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • Portraits by artist Phealls Phree

    Portraits by artist Phealls Phree

    Beautifully painted portraits by artist Phealls Phree featuring gorgeous woman of color. https://twitter.com/PheallsPhree http://instagram.com/pheallsphree https://www.facebook.com/phealls.phree 2,426 notes

  • Guardians by Andy Freeburg
    ART,  Misc.

    Guardians by Andy Freeburg

    Women pose (guard) famous paintings and other artworks in Russian art museums. It is interesting seeing the relationship between both the artwork and the stagnate guardians.  Some pair up and complement with the art and others completely contrast. See the series below. Andy Freeberg – Guardians

  • Portrait Paintings by artist Daniel Barkley
    ART,  Misc.

    Portrait Paintings by artist Daniel Barkley

    Daniel Barkley’s work can be described as vulnerable masculinity with an intruding third element. Most pieces show nude men with either paint spilled on them or drenched in something. Experimental and emotional. Each subject and separate painting provides a feeling of unique intimacy. source:

  • Art by Justin Mortimer
    ART,  Misc.

    Art by Justin Mortimer

    ghastly and eerie fine art paintings by artist Justin Mortimer. His subjects seem to be in a personal torture and confusion. From a body hanging from its neck to nudes in engulfing Forrest fires. source:

  • Paintings by Artist Cristina Troufa

    Paintings by Artist Cristina Troufa

    Acrylic portraits on canvas conveying events and interaction between one another, whether symbolic or silly.  What makes these paintings stand out is the way the artist chooses to feature the familiar objects with simple line work and color blocking. Only highlighting certain objects and ideas in the paintings. ar source:

  • Adam Tan Paintings

    Adam Tan Paintings

    Based in New Zealand artist Adam Tan has a unique and symbolic dialogue in his paintings.  I believe the thin lines shown represent life and feeling. These smooth and cool portraits are fun to look at and try to unpuzzle. source: