• Adam Tan Paintings

    Adam Tan Paintings

    Based in New Zealand artist Adam Tan has a unique and symbolic dialogue in his paintings. I believe the thin lines shown represent life and feeling. These smooth and cool portraits are fun to look at and try to unpuzzle. fonte:

  • Marilyn Minter Olio HD su tela

    Artista Marilyn Minter, HD Olio su Tela

    Large and overly defined fashion moments captured in fragments. You first initial thought may be, “I wonder what camera was used?” There is so much attention to detail even peach fuzz on the body is placed. This shows how flawless glamour is really unreachable. That if you zoom in close enough even on the most chic situations we are all flawed and strange creatures.   fonte:

  • Borse Burberry Painted

    Qualcuno buttare vernice sulla borsa?! Non, Accessori Painted.

    Ricordate Kim Kardashian dipinto Birkin? Faccio. Sembra rediculs in un primo momento, ma il più ci pensi è solo un altro modo di mixare arte e moda. Abbiamo sempre visto una grande varietà di abiti da disegnare, e in un settore in continua evoluzione siamo alla ricerca di nuovi modi per dire la stessa cosa. Di seguito le borse Burberry Prorsum Autunno/Inverno 2014 Dettagli, LFW. che integrare questa tendenza accessorio verniciato. Trovi questa tendenza ridicolo o univocamente moda?


    William-Adolphe Bouguereau Paintings animata

    Look at these beautiful paintings from William Adolphe Bougueraeu come to life with animation. “William-Adolphe Bouguereau novembre 30, 1825 – August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter and traditionalist. In his realistic genre paintings he used mythological themes, making modern interpretations of classical subjects, with an emphasis on the female human body. During his life he enjoyed significant popularity in France and the United States, was given numerous official honors, and received top prices for his work. As the quintessential salon painter of his generation, he was reviled by the Impressionist avant-garde. By the early twentieth century, Bouguereau and his art fell out of favor with the public, dovuto…