Painted portraits with a unique distortion in specifically the eyes making them multiplied, as if looking through a kaleidoscope or maybe your under the influence. See more of Alex Garants series below: Fubiz
Daughters of Diaspora by artist Ojo Agi
Canadian artist Ojo Agi explores the mixture of race, beauty ideals and as she says “The duality of growing up between two different cultures.”
Deformed Portraits by artist Lee Griggs
Der in Madrid lebende Künstler Lee Griggs kreiert eine interessante Serie, die aus der Verformung von Modellgesichtern in unerkennbare Abstraktion und surreale Bilder besteht. They multiply, stretch, reshape and more. Siehe die Serie unter.
“Was ich wartete” von Kris Lewis
Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen und stilvoll. Sehen Sie diese gemalten Porträts des Künstlers Kris Lewis zusammen in einem einzigartigen Stil.
Süßigkeiten Portraits von Fotograf James Ostrer
Fotograf James Ostrer dokumentiert unsere Obsession mit Zucker in einer Reihe von grotesken wirklichen Leben Porträts von Menschen in Schichten von Süßigkeiten und Junk-Food bedeckt. Sprechen weitgehend auf die auf die globale Nahrungsmittelproduktion und zunehmend gefährlichen Methoden der Massenproduktion, Ostrer Fotografien zaubern Stammes Bilder, die faszinierend und abstoßend sind. Via Pressemitteilung, "Das Schmuck wird eine Maske von dem, was wir essen, die dann mit einer Hyper-Pop-Sensibilität und einer unterwürfigen Anfrage in die großen Zuckermengen, die durch unseren Körper fließen miteinander verwoben."
Portrait Gemälde von Künstler Daniel Barkley
Daniel Barkley’s work can be described as vulnerable masculinity with an intruding third element. Most pieces show nude men with either paint spilled on them or drenched in something. Experimental and emotional. Each subject and separate painting provides a feeling of unique intimacy. Quelle:
“Berühmte träumen” digitale Collage von Luis Dourado
The visualisation of iconic figures dreaming expressed by smoking colorful clouds. Inklusive Martin Luther King Jr., President John F Kennedy etc. Quelle:
Adam Tan Gemälde
Based in New Zealand artist Adam Tan has a unique and symbolic dialogue in his paintings. I believe the thin lines shown represent life and feeling. These smooth and cool portraits are fun to look at and try to unpuzzle. Quelle:
Pop Culture Portaits von Künstler Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo
Extremely colorful and unique pop culture portraits by artist Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo. I love the expressions and highlighted facial features he chooses to feature, pretty much making their iconic features stand out even more. Like a caricature of color. Quelle:
Bewegen Portraits von Romain Laurent
The power of a gif. These photographs still hold the valor of classic portrait photography with a subtle twist of animation. They still feel as if you could hang them on the wall, I’ve seen technology create paper thing lcd screens. So In the near future I believe we can actually have tangible albums and framed moving photographs. Besuchen Sie seine Website über Photorest
Portraitures von Matt Wilkey
Mathew Wilkey is a young photographer from Atlanta Georgia. These are some portraits he’s done that have caught our attention with it’s youthfulness and simplicity. To see more of his work click the link below. See more of his work at: