• ist ein Kaninchen ein Nagetier?
    KULTUR,  Exklusive Graveravens,  Sonstiges.

    Wait Wuhhh? Random Questions Answered

    Pointless? Maybe. Is a rabbit a type of rodent? It’s like we treat them better than hamsters, but they sure aren’t dogs. So in our minds they can’t be rodents. Rabbits are actually something that is called lagomorphs. the lagomorphs species is closely related to rodents, but also horses! Wait Wuhhhh? Why do some people say “Osh Kosh b’ Gosh”? It’s something I feel older women would say to something cute. It’s basically a cutesy way to say “OH MY GOSH!”. Also it’s a city in Wisconsin. Wait Wuhhh? What are the little handles for corn on the cob called? I call them “little corn handle things” aber sie sind tatsächlich Maisspieße. Warten Sie…

  • ART,  Sonstiges.

    IDK About These Hotdogs Photography Project

    Eine wunderbar umständliche Fotoserie mit dem Titel IDK über diese Hotdogs von Fotografen aus NYC bringt das amerikanische Lieblingsessen in verschiedene Situationen. Ein absurdes Projekt, von dem Sie tatsächlich Drucke in ihrem Etsy-Shop erhalten können. Here are some of our faves.    

  • ART,  Sonstiges.

    Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2 – TIME

    The makers of the famously disturbing surreal video” Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” have come out with a new video, “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 2- TIME” The video explains the subject of time wrapped up in what it seems like a child like performance. Even though this time around you have an idea what will end up happening, it’s still great seeing the video spiral somewhere uncomfortable.