Lindsey Wixson by photographer Karen Collins

    Simplistic with subtle flirtation and pastel color blocking. Lindsey Wixson poses for photographer Karen Collins for Japan’s 2015 June issue of Numéro. Publication: Numéro Tokyo June 2015 Modèle: Photographe Lindsey Wixson: Karen Collins Rédactrice de mode: Cheveux Felipe Mendes: Maquillage Romina Manenti: Alice Lane Articles connexes Comment SHOWstudio a adopté la 3D, Instagram, et plus d'innovations technologiques Comité de restauration des cheveux de mariée: Un homme de croissance des cheveux de mariée qui a atterri un drone au bureau du Premier ministre japonais, se transforme en Lindsey Wixson par le photographe Richard Burbridge

  • MODE,  Tendances

    perSUEDE! A Trend to Stay

    Something that’s been trending on the runways and the whole fashion scene in general would be the use of a classic that has recently made a comeback. SUEDE! It will always have a vintage 70’s feel with a more effortless cool feeling to contrast with anything else in your wardrobe. What I like about this trend is that it’s something so tangible to everyone. I’ve found some amazing suede pieces by simply thrifting. So keep your eyes peeled. Suede is a classic and I feel as if it’s here to stay, something like denim. Here are some dope suede options: