• Aggiornamento dell'icona di Facebook
    CULTURA,  Varie.

    Facebook’s New Gender Equal Friend Icon

    Facebook has been making a few updates, nothing new there. But this time the Friend Icon we’ve become familiar with has had a specific gender equal based update. Instead of having the woman shorter behind the man now they have become the same size, and she’s in front. NOBODY puts faceless icon woman behind faceless icon man! Did you notice the update? “As a woman, educated at a women’s college, it was hard not to read into the symbolism of the current icon; the woman was quite literally in the shadow of the man, she was not in a position to lean in,” said Facebook design manager Caitlin Winner. “My

  • Preservativo Chanel
    CULTURA,  Varie.

    Mood (killing) Condoms? Condoms That Change Colors if an STI is Detected.

    Innovative. At the yearly competition at the TeenTech Awards with the goal being “technology to make life better, simpler or easier” A group of designers have created a special type of condom that upon contact will change colors if an STI is detected. They have titled the product as S.T. Eye and it works by using unnoticeable chemicals on the condom that will have a chemical reaction if it encounters bacteria that are most associated with well-known STIs. Maybe this technology can evolve into something you can do alone and test yourself. The S.T. Eye color code: yellow:herpes verde: blu clamidia: sifilide viola: found the human papillomavirus

  • schermo tv LG Paper

    LG Introduces Wallpaper TV Screen

    In technology I’ve noticed a trend were we use to want smaller but more so now we want sleekness regardless of size. For example I still want a big screen TV but not the bulky space consuming stage. Taking this to heart LG designers presented in a Korean press conference their new ultra thin screened almost paper like screen. It’s an organic light-emitting diode 55-inch display with a magnetic back improving it’s versatility and wallpaper technology qualities. The entire product is less than a millimeter thick. I assume you shouldn’t try to fold it. fonte:

  • Vintage Lipstick Flash Drives
    CULTURA,  FASHION,  Varie.

    Vintage Lipstick Flash Drives

      A mixture of old glamour and present day technology. A selection of vintage lipstick casings are redesigned to accommodate your memory/data storage needs while still retaining your aesthetic quirkyness.   Progettato e venduto da etsy shop PointsAndPlaces con molte opzioni diverse con prezzi che variano anche. Guarda quali opzioni hanno qui.

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Vedendo colore per la prima volta

    Qualcosa in realtà non pensare è il risultato di daltonismo, è qualcosa di così difficile da spiegare, e come il documentario dice vedere il mondo attraverso i tuoi occhi è un'esperienza molto privata. Queste persone che vivono la loro lievs con cecità ai colori sono state dotate di una tecnologia che permette loro di vedere le ombre che hanno non stati in grado di elaborare. Colpisce sorprendentemente una nota personale, a participant saying “Ci sono alcuni disegni dove vorrei poter vedere come i miei bambini mettono i colori insieme e ciò che stavano visualizzando,” Using sunglass-like filter technology Valspar partnered with EnChroma made the experience possible. Mi chiedo se alla fine potrebbero creare…


    Il futuro delle applicazioni Adobe creative

    Rilasciato da Adobe soli si arriva a vedere le possibilità concrete, ma comunque eccezionale il futuro per applicazioni Adobe come Photoshop, Illustratore, Ecc Indesign. Con l'ovvio fattore wow è l'uso di touchscreen, dimostrando come senza soluzione di continuità le cose possono essere creati con le mani e le dita al posto di un mouse del computer. Guarda il loro video qui sotto: “Cosa potrebbe vostro futuro creativo simile?”

  • hyperlapse da instagram

    Hyperlaps da Instagram

    A new app has been released by Instagram called Hyperlapse making mobile device videos more professional and smooth. Everyone has become an elitist photographer with instagram, quindi perché non il video? O dovremmo chiamarlo filmografia ora? Either way it’s a step in the direction of better quality content. “Tradizionalmente, video time-lapse dipendono appoggiare il cellulare o fotocamera mentre si filma,” Detto Instagram. “Hyperlapse da Instagram funzionalità integrate nella tecnologia di stabilizzazione che consente di creare in movimento, time-lapse palmare che si traducono in un tocco cinematografico, qualità e la sensazione - una prodezza che è stato precedentemente possibile solo con costose attrezzature.” È Hyperlapse pena che hype? Guarda il video qui sotto:

  • CULTURA,  Varie.

    Sbloccare le porte con i vostri occhi

    The futuristic product Eyelock, (that I just barely found out about) has officially programmed their product to open doors and access rooms. By simple looking into the Eyelock in analyzes your iris and confirms you have authority to enter or access certain information. The prodcut began with a simple usb camera that lets you save your passwords with Eyelock. With a usb connection you can connect any account with the Eyelock system creating higher sense of security. Unless someone lifts your eyes open while sleeping. I love when technology slowly mimics what was predicted years back. It’s like living in a sci-fi movie except our cars aren’t floating, yet. Che Cosa…