• Own Your Personal Scientifically Accurate Moon
    ART,  Misc.

    Own Your Personal Scientifically Accurate Moon

    A tangible moon that you can carry around that accurately glows according to the data received from a Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft. Perfect for Wiccans and Sailor Moon enthusiasts. Disponible para comprar en Nosinger.   Artículos relacionados La NASA descarta el rumor, States “There is No Asteroid Threatening Earth” What Is NASA Hiding? Aliens? La NASA probará transmisores de localización de emergencia al estrellar el avión "The Martian": Jessica Chastain Gets In Touch With Exploration’s Human Side | Vídeo

  • brujas prohibido etsy
    CULTURA,  Misc.

    Spells Banned on Etsy

    Sorry spell casting witches, you are no longer able to sell your spells on Etsy. Something that was commonly sold in the witch community under a few rules and guidelines, like selling something along with it like downloadable materials, and of course strong disclaimers if those unsatisfied customers surface. But now in the most recent updated policies some adjustments were made banned some things, like spells. Any service that does not yield a new, tangible, physical item is not allowed (for example: tailoring, restoring or repairing an item, photographic retouching or color correction). Maybe they can work their way around it? Will magic be used to counter act this policy? Only…