“These are the central concepts of my artistic essence. The transformation of motives therefore is a clearing of reality through optical reduction and refraction of contents. In this way it allows each observer an exempt view on the essential marrow. In this connection my process follows strictly the etymological translation of the word kaleidoscope, which has its roots in the greek language and means ‘to see beautiful forms’.” -Boris Draschoff, Berlin, Germania borisdraschoff.com
Artista Camila Valdez, Sweet Tooth e Legs.
Contrary to popular belief, these are NOT self portraits of me. Yes I breath sweets like no other but I promise I’m not actually made of doughnut bread. This is a series by artist Camila Valdez located in Argentina. It’s surreal, sassy and delicious. Each little food being is paired with legs and an attitude to match. I wonder what that little doughnut did to end up in prison. Is this trying to say we are what we eat? or just a fun approach to her personal anthropomorphic sandbox. fonte:
Illustrations by Mojo Wang, Sesso, Pain and Secrets
Surreal Illustrations by Mojo Wang of China. Each one of these pieces has a severe personal narrative that can be perceived different ways. An ongoing theme of pain, sex and secrets. They are beautiful and eccentric. fonte:
Creepy dipinti ad olio Fabulous di Lauren Satlowski.
Melted candy gem eyes and awkward puckered lips. These creepy fabulous oil paintings by Lauren Satlowski feature doll like characters dis morphed but still subtly cute. Do you run away from it or hug it? LaurenSatlowski.com
Free Spirit Aggiornamento da Olya da tlvbirdie.com
Intricate and stylish ready made art by artist Olya Shamrik of tlvbirdie.com. Questo progetto mixed media creativamente utilizza tecniche legate con fotografia di moda ricamo. Chic Crafty al suo meglio. Vedi di più su questo progetto in corso su http://www.tlvbirdie.com/search/label/free spirit upgrade www.tlvbirdie.com https://www.facebook.com/LilBirdieInTlv twitter @tlvbirdie instagram @ohnonottoday
Dan Luvisi Illustrazioni Inquietante impressionante di personaggi Infanzia
Familiar characters from our childhood in disturbing nightmarish situations in a highly detailed series. Artist Dan Luvisi has been adding to the intricate collection for some time and is happy to include Mickey, Goofy, and Tigger to the mix. Enjoy the creepiness of your tainted innocent characters. fonte:
Moving Portraits by Romain Laurent
The power of a gif. These photographs still hold the valor of classic portrait photography with a subtle twist of animation. They still feel as if you could hang them on the wall, I’ve seen technology create paper thing lcd screens. So In the near future I believe we can actually have tangible albums and framed moving photographs. Visita il suo sito web tramite Photorest
White straws by Francesca Pasquali
An ice and cloud like glowing translucence grows from artist Francesca Pasquali’s art piece title White Straws. The texture draws you and, I wonder how many people resist reaching out and grabbing it. Francesca Pasquali – White Straws (2014)
Jeff Bark – Picchio (Presente Giorno Romanticismo)
“Woodpecker stretches the definition of romanticism to reference both the emotive paintings of centuries past, and the modern struggle with post-industrial malaise. Situated in a teenage wasteland that hovers between nature and urban decay, Bark’s listless figures partake in skinny-dipping, huffing, e fumare marijuana. " Dichiarazione dell'artista: “I’ve always been very sensitive to light, even in my house… It’s all about how the light makes you feel. In my studio the light is very sexy, calming – it’s warm from all the tungsten lights, and very comforting. In the brightness you can’t see around you, so you feel alone, except for me yelling at you saying ‘Move your finger!'Più che provare…
Artista originale? Suck My Ass.
Di recente ho letto qualcosa (yes linea) che ogni persona che incontriamo in un sogno in realtà è un volto familiare che abbiamo costruito di visualizzare altri tratti del viso in real life.So ogni volto noi
Brandon Vickerd – The Passenger II
Si tratta di opere d'arte puntata una literately forma di “duckface”? Questa è la seconda rata entro il pittore Brandon vickerd titolo “The Passenger”. Ecco gli artisti satment personale di tutto il suo corpo di lavoro: “Volutamente diverse, il mio lavoro a cavallo della linea tra cultura alta e bassa, fungendo da catalizzatore per il pensiero critico e affrontare la promessa di un futuro fallito modernista basa sulla sconfinata progresso scientifico. Sia attraverso artigianato, la creazione dello spettacolo, o umorismo, il mio obiettivo è quello di provocare lo spettatore in discussione il mito del progresso dominano radicata in visioni del mondo occidentale. Un satellite di riposo senza vita in un cratere, ricordando un moderno Icaro la cui fede in…