Making Your Presence Felt in Fashion Photography

    Autore: modella di moda È un compito difficile stabilire la propria presenza nel settore della fotografia di moda. One can take it as a career option, if one has the willingness to work hard, has a creative mind, and possesses the ability to capture the perfect images. A fashion photographer should have proficiency in two disciplines- you need to be an excellent portrait photographer. Second, you should have the ability to create images for use in advertisements. A successful fashion photographer will be able to combine the two disciplines into a perfect blend with a keen eye to details in design. Il successo come stimato fotografo di moda arriva a colui che…


    Cominciando come modella

    Beginning As A Fashion Model Author: modella Indipendentemente dal fatto che ci sono milioni di persone che cercano lavori di modellazione ogni anno, ci sono innumerevoli persone, maschile così come femminile, giovane e vecchio, che vogliono testare le acque della professione glamour di modellazione. Potrebbe essere alta moda; potrebbe essere sessione costume da bagno; e, forse è stampa commerciale. Tuttavia, il fatto è che non tutte le agenzie di modellazione di moda stanno cercando gli stessi aspetti e caratteristiche. Diverse agenzie di modelle utilizzano modelli di diverse dimensioni per sottolineare un aspetto diverso per le loro campagne pubblicitarie. Che cosa tutto questo significa? Perché, pensi, ci sono…


    Photography As A Career In Fashion

    Autore: fashion model Fat pay cheques, an opportunity to rub shoulders with glamorous models and hobnobbing with some of the rich and famous might be the dream of many a young shutterbug. Ma, it can turn out to be hard to get to the golden staircases of the big wig fashion houses and designer magazines. For every one talented or compelling photographer, hundreds or thousands are left waiting at the pavement, only to dream about that splendid moment when their photograph will be picked out and chosen for the project. For the novice photographer and who has just commenced a career in fashion picture photography, alcuni suggerimenti possono rivelarsi…

  • ART

    I modelli Real Life di Flora Borsi

    See artist Flora Borsi explore the curiosity behind paintings. Tipo di inquietante ma molto interessante.   “Al giorno d'oggi quasi tutti i fotografi utilizzano software di grafica per completare l'immagine, come molti pittori usati 'versione originale' in passato. Alcuni artisti usano pura fantasia per dipingere le loro opere d'arte, altri potrebbero preferire creare arte utilizzando un modello di vita reale come riferimento per l'anatomia. What if these abstract models were real people?” – Flora Borsi source:   Articoli correlati Foto affascinanti delle modelle che hanno ispirato opere d'arte famose nascoste in bella vista. Flora Borsi

  • CULTURA,  Varie.,  MUSICA

    Finding the right Music Industry Internships

    Autore: probir das Most of the times, musicians want to find the right chances, which becomes tough, mainly for the fact that there are very few ways to get access. In the world of entertainment today, there is no better way to find the right chances than to make the right connections. Even when it seems that you don’t know anyone in the industry and are a starter by all means, there is a big chance that you will make it big. There are many options, but what you need is a platform where you can spot the best opportunities and apply for the same. Un sito come www.indiesprofile.com è…

  • batman canta

    Facendo un grande demo con uno studio di registrazione

    If you are serious about a career in music, whether it be singing in a band or playing a musical instrument, you need to make a professional demo CD in a recording studio. Making your own demo on your computer won’t being as professional or of good sound quality as a more respected recording studio with much better equipment. The acoustics are better, the tools utilized is usually state of the art, and you have the expertise of a producer or engineer to assist improve the sound quality of your demo.Checking with many studios when looking for a location to record your own demo will benefit you tremendously. Molte cose…


    Exciting Careers in Fashion by Bharti Grover

    Fashion has a rippling effect on people from different walks of life. It gradually gains popularity among different strata of society. To help fashion reach out to the consumers, a large number of professionals are needed. Apart from fashion designing, you can find a number of exciting jobs related to fashion. If you are not into designing but still want to remain connected with fashion, you can perform other job duties such as Fashion marketing/ merchandising/buying and forecasting in context of every kind of wear be it the sophisticated haste-couture, ready-to-wear or for the mass market and street wear. Basically, il settore della moda e del commercio al dettaglio alle grandi opere come…