• Sculptural Edible Lollipops
    ART,  Divers.

    Sculptural Edible Lollipops

    Intricately crafted treats that don’t seem much like treats. These realistic sculptural lollipops will make you second guess desolving them in your mouth. There are many to choose from cats, squids, snakes, fish and more. http://www.ame-shin.com/works/

  • Sculptures by Adam Martinakis

    Sculptures by Adam Martinakis

    The sculpture series by artist Adam Martinakis explores the human form and a manipulated and disassembled state that gives the appearance of combustion and movement. “a connection between the spirit and the material, the living and the absent… I compose scenes of the unborn, the dead and the alive, immersed in the metaphysics of perception.” – Adam Martinakis Hifructose

  • Bystander by artist June Lee
    ART,  Divers.

    Bystander by artist June Lee

    A physiological and social sculpture by artist June Lee surrounding the subject of ever-present human co-dependancy and loneliness. “Human beings cannot live alone; thus they form groups and societies. Ironically, however, cette caractéristique de l'être humain ne garantit pas que les individus nouent toujours des liens intimes avec les autres. –Juin Lee, South Korea

  • Artwork by Faig Ahmed

    Artwork by Faig Ahmed

    Faig Ahmed explores Azerbaijani traditional rugs in a distorted contemporary style. “Faig Ahmed graduated from the Sculpture faculty at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in Baku in 2004. Since 2003, he has been working with various media, including painting, video and installation. Currently, il étudie les qualités artistiques des tapis traditionnels azerbaïdjanais - il démonte leur structure conventionnelle et réarrange au hasard les composants résultants de la composition traditionnelle, puis combine ces fragments avec des formes sculpturales contemporaines.”

  • Mythe As Object par Cameron Stalheim
    ART,  Divers.

    Mythe As Object par Cameron Stalheim

    “Issu de mon expérience en tant que gay homme de le Midwest et la transition vers la culture gay de la côte est, cette sculpture, le premier d'une nouvelle série de travaux, se interroge sur la relation entre la fantaisie, la réalité et l'objectivation qui se passe entre les deux.” Une beauté envoûtante sexualité sculpture mythique explorer, fantaisie et de la vie transitions. Fabriqué à partir de plastique, Mousse, Acier, & Acrylique. Mythe As Object par Cameron Stalheim