Special Effects Before & After

    We know huge blockbuster movies and popular tv series use special effects to achieve their final appearance. But we can never be too sure on how much is really being used. Here are some side by side shots of well-known names with their pre special effect counterparts. Props to some of the actors who literally have nothing to intact with but a green screen setting. The famous titles included Game Of Thrones, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Twilight, Matrix, Batman, Harry Potter, I Vendicatori, The Walking Dead and more.    

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    Woah, The Worst Special Effects Ever Compilation

    When these came out they seemed pretty innovative, now looking back it’s easy to see how far we’ve come even in the last few years. Ecco un video creato da worldwideinterweb che evidenzia alcuni dei peggiori effetti speciali per il grande schermo. Sometimes awkward to watch, but you just can’t not. The Worst Movie Special Effects Ever Compilation di worldwideinterweb