Surreal black and white portrait illustrations by artist Vasilios Paspalis where we find the subjects with missing cleanly sliced of portions of themselves. See some of his works below:
Surreal Paintings by artist Aykut Aydogdu
Artist Aykut Aydogdu creates fashionably conceptual digital paintings with a surreal edge. Consisting of portraits intertwined with natures elements from flowers, animals and the ocean. See some of his selected works below:
SUR-FAKE by Antoine Geiger
Our constant growing need of looking into a screen is something that comes along with the current ever evolving technology. El fotógrafo Antoine Geiger toma esta observación y muestra rostros deformados literalmente absorbidos por sus pantallas.. See the SUR-FAKE series by Antoine Geiger below:
Surreal Imagery by Bobby Becker
Simplistic and strangely manipulated imagery by photographer Bobby Becker combining elements of sculpture, portraitures and surrealism. See some of his images below:
Colorful Surreal Art by Daniel Aristizábal
El diseñador colombiano Daniel Aristizábal crea interesantes imágenes surrealistas mezclando colores y texturas y la acción del movimiento medio dando a su trabajo una apariencia familiar de ensueño..
Surreal Illustrations by Jose Mertz
Miami based illustrator/street artist Jose Mertz creates beautifully surreal images that are heavy in symbolism and portraiture. Straight out of a trippy dream. Vea una selección del trabajo de Jose Mertz a continuación: http://se ha vuelto mediático
Double Vision Portraits by artist Alex Garant
Painted portraits with a unique distortion in specifically the eyes making them multiplied, as if looking through a kaleidoscope or maybe your under the influence. See more of Alex Garants series below: Fubiz
Surreal Paintings by artist Tiffany Bozic
Surreal art by artist Tiffany Bozic with an emphasis on natures evolution and partnered species. Ver más de su trabajo aquí
Artista Camila Valdez, Sweet Tooth y Piernas.
Contrary to popular belief, these are NOT self portraits of me. Yes I breath sweets like no other but I promise I’m not actually made of doughnut bread. This is a series by artist Camila Valdez located in Argentina. It’s surreal, sassy and delicious. Each little food being is paired with legs and an attitude to match. I wonder what that little doughnut did to end up in prison. Is this trying to say we are what we eat? or just a fun approach to her personal anthropomorphic sandbox. fuente:
Surreal ensue Photogarphy por Ezorenier
This set of photographs resembles something not quite a nightmare or dream. They feel of heavy symbolism that you can’t exactly put your finger on. like the many dreams we instantly forget when waking up. Puedes ver más de su trabajo aquí por ezorenier
J e s s i c a d e L w i c h
Intenso. 'El imaginario, Monstruoso Femenino "por Jessica Ledwich es una serie de arte feminista que representa extraño, rituales de belleza surrealistas que ilustran el concepto de lo "femenino monstruoso". vía