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Famous Handwritings Analyzed

Famous Handwritings Analyzed

Autor: Joel Engel

Famous Handwritings Analyzed


Joel Engel

Bill Gates

*Bill Gates’ high, upper zone extensions (A1, A2) as compared to his small middle zone letters (a, c, e, usw.) reflect a need to be on top of others-mentally. His fast-paced writing shows mental speed. The slashed j dot (B) and those unnecessary initial strokes (C1, C2) shout argumentativeness, cynicism and irritability. The right slanted angular writing broadcasts aggressiveness. The long, rightward extensions (D1, D2) tell of a sympathetic, generous personality. His left margin (Und) is exceptionally even, this is indicative of a unique and exceedingly organized intellect. Career Test comments: “When coupling this with all of the letters that are shaped as numbers (F1-F4), it is not surprising how Mr. Gates has been so successful.”

Britney Spears

*Britney Spears’ handwriting is round, which reveals a childish, soft manner. Her middle zone letters (a, c, e, usw.) predominate, she is totally in the here and now. What are important to her are everyday matters. Her writing pressure is light, indicating a general lack of resistance. This can get her into trouble, as her ‘inner strength’ is weak. Her low upper zones (A1, A2) point to a practical, non-philosophical view of life.

Career Test comments: “Ear-minded people frequently spell poorly in English. The language has many words that sound alike but spelled differently, and others that are spelled alike but are pronounced differently. Such persons tend to spell words phonetically, but in English, this is frequently misspelling. Such people are likely to omit punctuation marks-comma, colon and exclamation point. Notice two misspelled words in this short note (B1, B2). Ear minded people are often very successful when selling to an audience. Aside from all of her other winning traits, Britney Spears is instinctively a musician.”

Osama Bin Laden

*The epithet, “the most hated person in America,” has been aptly attributed to none other than Osama Bin Laden. Many psychoanalysts have developed personality evaluations of him. Graphologists have noted that his large-size signature, especially when it is compared to his smaller, Arabic writing, reflects an enormous ego. He is also depressed and feels undervalued, indicated by the descending end stroke of his signature. Psychoanalysts and graphologists agree that having an enormous ego, yet feeling truly undervalued, triggered his depression. Like other, less notorious sociopaths, he takes his hatred out on society.

The first round shaped letter in his signature is encircled several times, reflecting the feeling that he is living in a world of his own imagination. Bin Laden is trying to protect himself by not allowing anyone in. He is extremely egocentric. His heavy-pressured writing reveals an above-average libido as well as intense anger.

In the image below:

line 1 – “Your Brother,”

line 2 – Bin Laden’s name printed,

line 3 – Bin Laden’s signature

The graphological interpretation of this type of personality is that he would be likely to exhibit animosity. Jedoch, there are many people who possess similar styles of writings and they do not wage war on society. Is there some other factor in addition to Bin Laden’s handwriting that reflects the difference? In the same fashion that his written signature projects his anger and animosity, so, too, is the revealing visual of his signature weapon, the Kalatchnikov rifle.

Many graphologists have stated that the Western rules of analyzing handwriting do not apply to Arabic. Generally, this is correct. Size, pressure, usw., can also be analyzed. One’s country of origin must be taken into consideration for an accurate graphological evaluation. Two identical writings of different people from different regions of the world may have different meanings.

A Middle Easterner’s signature, regardless of whether a Western graphologist can analyze it, does broadcast the writer’s personality. Preoccupation with profession and lifestyle are frequently symbolized in the signature. The deciphering of such symbols is important for psychologists and psychiatrists. Certain graphologists, particularly the internationally known Rafael Schermann, have concentrated on this aspect of graphology. Understanding the politics and religions of the region into which Osama Bin Laden was born and raised assist in the understanding and interpretation of his signature and textual writings. Psychoanalysts, taking into account the intense hatred that Bin Laden possesses, recognize that he will try to strike again. Graphological ethics preclude predictions.

Adolf Hitler

*The vulgar-looking and ornate capital letter (Figure 1) has a vertical line added in unnecessarily between the left and right parts. Obviously, this writer displays an undue claim of self-importance. Adolf Hitler wrote this way. (Many graphologists believe that the vertical line represented his moustache.)

In the above images, we can observe many peculiar aspects.

The slant. By measuring figure 2A with a protractor, you will notice that the capital H measures 28 degrees of incline; at the end of his name, the incline has become an acute 14 degrees. (Any slant measuring less than 55 degrees must be considered pathological.) Not only does Hitler’s writing start out pathologically, it becomes more so as it continues. His last letter is almost horizontal. Considering that slant indicates the degree of approach to others, we see here an intense need of some kind or desperate grab toward his fellowman. The fact that the writing looks as if it were falling shows acute depression.

Pressure. The extreme pressure in both specimens indicates a powerful, physical dynamo of energy when dealing with his fellowman.

t bars. In Figure 2B, we see a thick, heavy, brutal-looking t bar, written in a downward direction. This t bar shows us how Der Fuhrer approaches the addressee. Hitler’s down-flung t bar, written with heavy pressure (even without his acutely inclined writing) leaves us in no doubt how he could become the monster that he was. These down-flung t-bars indicate the writer’s low opinion of “his fellow man.” It was not difficult for Hitler to do away with others.

Capital letters. The name is the ego, and any capital letter also indicates the writer’s ego state. Consequently, the capital letter of the name has an especially important meaning in interpreting the writer’s ego.

Look at both 2A and 2B. The name is already written with a thick hand. Then Hitler adds something quite unnecessary to the capital in his surname – a vertical bar. This ugly, vulgar-looking, heavy, down-flung line, a tasteless ornamentation to an already ugly character, proclaims a deformed and depraved ego. If the world had recognized this depravity in his writing before his rise to power, would it have made any difference? One wonders.

Albert Einstein

*How does the writing of Albert Einstein reflect genius? It looks so simple! The truth is that simplicity is one of the keys to superior intellect.

Career Test comments: “A small middle zone is necessary for high powers of concentration. At some points, Einstein’s middle zone becomes microscopic. Notice how extremely even the left margin is as it descends, showing a sense of order. Add to this the many exactly placed i dots, and we have an extreme sense of order and an exacting memory. Cautious by nature (also indicated by the exactly placed i dots), Professor Einstein adds a dot after his surname-just a precaution. His clearmindedness and creative ability are shown by not allowing one letter to protrude into another in the lines above or below.”

Yet the most striking characteristic seems to be his t crossings. Observe their individualistic, even strange, maneuverability in the upper (intellectual) zone. It is difficult to describe what Einstein does in this region, as it is to define genius.

Barack Obama

*A handwriting analysis of Democratic presidential candidates Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama reveals complex personalities who are dealing with several emotional issues – some successfully, and some with difficulty.

Sen. Barack Obama’s huge signature is eye-catching. Graphologically speaking, this reflects a tremendous desire to be the center of attention. His handwriting divulges self-confidence, along with unresolved childhood issues.

The rightward extensions at the end of his first and last names (A1, A2) are like a self-portrait showing that there is more to him than just a name.

Career Test Comments: “A small middle zone (B1, B2) in his John Hancock represents strong powers of concentration. People who have small middle-zone letters (a, c, e and any letter that does not have an upper or lower loop), possess great proficiency in doing work, requiring attention to detail. Many scientists, Einstein among them, have very small or even microscopic middle-zone letters.” These lines are also written in a wavy fashion, without distinct shape. This shows changeability. The diplomat, who must often evade ticklish situations and not commit to a particular course of action, writes in this manner. Wavy-lined writing also denotes versatility.

There are no beginning strokes in Obama’s signature (see C). This signifies someone who gets right down to the point without commotion. It is the handwriting of the mature individual.

His writing has much rhythm, charm, pressure and bounce. Combined with the openness on top of the “a” (see D), which indicates fluency, the Illinois senator radiates self-assurance and energy and is a quick-witted speaker.

Hillary Clinton

*An analysis of Clinton’s signature reveals that she is not as cold as rumored. Many politicians, due to their public lives, feel the need to impose a safeguard, and although her bolt-upright signature shows a cool approach to others, the body of her writing, “the real Hillary,” does lean somewhat rightward toward her fellow man, reflecting some warmth.

Career Test comments: “Her printed capital letters (G1, G2) denote intelligence and culture. The breaks between letters (H) imply intuition. The spacing between the lines (I1, I2) is a little wider than average. This, combined with those needle pointed tops (J1-J3), points to an analytical and sharp mind. There are virtually no beginning strokes before the letters; this person is to-the-point. The unizonal letters (a, c, e, usw.) are small, illustrating the ability to focus. No lines are tangled; this displays one who is clearheaded. These are the components of the “born lawyer.'”

At the end of the first line of a letter, a writer stops where it seems most appropriate and returns to the left margin to start a second line. Clinton moves the starting point of the written lines more and more to the right (K), toward the right margin; the left margin widens. This signifies both enthusiasm and impatience.

A wife who writes her husband’s family name, or the initial of it, with considerably greater emphasis than that with which she writes her own initials, indicates that she thinks she has married “above her station.” The converse is also true: If a woman writes her husband’s surname smaller, or if she writes its initial noticeably smaller than the initials of her own name, she demonstrates a low opinion of him, his family or both. In this signature, the first name has considerably greater emphasis than the family name. This speaks for itself.

Notice that the cross bar joins the following letter (L1-L4). This reveals a clever combination of thoughts, the quality of the crossword puzzle-player, who can solve abstract and intricate difficulties and has the capacity to be open to experience.

Artikel Quelle: http://www.articlesbase.com/humor-articles/famous-handwritings-analyzed-452976.html

Über den Autor

Graphologist Joel Engel is the author of “Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught,” (Penguin Books). He operates online personality types and career matching.
For more information visit:http://www.learngraphology.com http://careertest.ws

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