Li Hongbo Erstaunlich Papier Skulpturen

    Wenn wir von der Schaffung von Kunst mit Papier, wir neigen dazu, auf 2d und allenfalls einige Origami denken. Der chinesische Künstler Li Hongbo hat eine besondere Skulptur Medium Papier. Er Strukturen und Skulpturen, die feste scheinen erstellt, aber wenn Sie spielen, um mit ihm klar, dass es zu morphen und Strecken in verschiedenen Formen und Größen können, Schaffung einer fast traumhafte optische Täuschung auf normale Objekte. “Mein Interesse an Papier begann, als ich veröffentlichte Bücher. Als es darum ging zu entwerfen, Ich musste Papier betrachten — welche Art von Papier geeignet das Buch,” Li sagt. Seine Neugier führt zu faszinierenden künstlerischen Ausgang. Schauen Sie sich das Video unten an…

  • KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    Famous Handwritings Analyzed

    Famous Handwritings Analyzed Author: Joel Engel Berühmte Handschriften analysiert von Joel Engel Bill Gates *Bill Gates’ high, upper zone extensions (A1, A2) as compared to his small middle zone letters (a, c, e, usw.) reflect a need to be on top of others-mentally. His fast-paced writing shows mental speed. The slashed j dot (B) and those unnecessary initial strokes (C1, C2) shout argumentativeness, cynicism and irritability. The right slanted angular writing broadcasts aggressiveness. The long, rightward extensions (D1, D2) tell of a sympathetic, generous personality. His left margin (Und) is exceptionally even, this is indicative of a unique and exceedingly organized intellect. Career Test comments: “Wenn Sie dies mit allen koppeln…

  • words
    KULTUR,  Sonstiges.

    The Reclamation of Words

    Autor: Jon Lawrence Die Wiedergewinnung von Wörtern Ich benutze Wörter seit sehr langer Zeit, I owe so much to them. They helped me proclaim my devotion to my wife nine years ago this very day, they enabled me to eloquently articulate my feelings in poetry and songs, and they were really useful when writing my somewhat tart, yet amusing and satisfying letter of resignation after eleven intolerable years at a certain teaching establishment. I therefore feel compelled to stand up for the verbs, pro-nouns, nouns, adjectives and onomatopoeias, invectives and more, that have served me so well. For all the good they do for us we, die…


    Claire Boucher (Grimes) Kunst

    Canadian indie artist Claire Boucher, better known as her stage name Grimes has more ways to express herself other than music. Something we didn’t know was she actually makes awesome illustrations. Check out these photos from a gallery show she had in NYC. A closer look at Claire Bouchers artwork.   Quelle:

  • batman singt

    Making A Great Demo With A Recording Studio

    If you are serious about a career in music, whether it be singing in a band or playing a musical instrument, you need to make a professional demo CD in a recording studio. Making your own demo on your computer won’t being as professional or of good sound quality as a more respected recording studio with much better equipment. The acoustics are better, the tools utilized is usually state of the art, and you have the expertise of a producer or engineer to assist improve the sound quality of your demo.Checking with many studios when looking for a location to record your own demo will benefit you tremendously. Viele Dinge…