VICE Japon: 3 Ans après le tsunami (Taquin)

C'était 3 years since the massive earthquake in northern Japan which in tandem caused the tsunami that wiped out vast areas of land including a portion of Fukushima’s power plants, ultimately causing a global nuclear crisis of which we are still facing today.

In the first video of our three part special, VICE heads to Fukushima to meet our friend Naoto Matsumura (à partir de “Alone in the Zone” to install a Safecast monitor to help raise awareness of radiation levels in the area. In the second video, VICE follows up with anti-nuclear energy artist “Anti_nuke” who elucidates in detail that he must hide his face and name due to threats by members of the Right-Wing. In third and last video, the focus is on kids and the photographs they’ve taken of the disaster area.

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