CULTURA,  Varie.

6 Strano giapponesi dispositivi di bellezza

To be fair let’s admit all cultures have a few odd ways of achieving beauty. Here are six weird Japanese beauty devices, do they work? I’m not completely sold. Are they out of the norm? Sì, absolutely.

1. Non-Surgical Nose Job: price 83$Lavoro nasale non chirurgicoReferences: japantrends e gizmodiva


2. Cornici ampliamento Eye

allargando gli occhiReferences: japantrendshop e 7gadget


3. Ascensori personali Viso

liftingReferences: fantasia e japantrendshop


4. Sassy dalle labbra del viso Firmer

Viso più sodoReferences: japantrendshop e chipchick


5. Panoramica specchio di bellezza

xfour-sided-panorama-compact-mirror_jpeg_pagespeed_ic_5ahhs_CfB6References: japantrendshop e geekalerts


6. Anti doppio mento Firmer

xrhythm-slim-chin-muscle-exercise_jpeg_pagespeed_ic_luCxuDg2wSReferences: japantrendshop e bookofjoe

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