I recently read something (yes online) that every person we encounter in a dream is actually a familiar face that we have built from viewing others facial features in real life.So every face we
That being said, it really gets to me when artists of any sort get so perpetually annoyed with being compared to other artists. Yes, I understand everyone would like to think and feel they are a unique and separate entity that just fell out of the sky (me). But in reality if you think about it, that’s never the case. That is unless we make space alien contact.

There are still many artists you do come across who find the joy and playfulness of being compared to their peers. In most cases they are seasoned and well rounded or are just starting up and realize any recognition is great.
When your favorite band plays and your friend says they sound like so and so don’t consider it a pretentious damnation but a simple observation that something was generated from something. In the most smallest things to the biggest.