Artwork by Faig Ahmed

Artwork by Faig Ahmed

Faig Ahmed explores Azerbaijani traditional rugs in a distorted contemporary style.

“Faig Ahmed graduated from the Sculpture faculty at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in Baku in 2004. Since 2003, he has been working with various media, including painting, video and installation. Currently, he is study¬ing the artistic qualities of Azerbaijani traditional rugs – he disassembles their conventional structure and randomly rearranges the resulting components of the traditional composition then combines these
fragments with contemporary sculptural forms.”

Artwork by Faig Ahmed Artwork by Faig Ahmed (1) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (2) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (3) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (4) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (5) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (6) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (7) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (8) Artwork by Faig Ahmed (9)

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